
Prof. Dr. Switgard Feuerstein


Curriculum Vitae



Personal Data  
Date of birth 21 November 1960
Place of birth Kiel, Germany
Marital Status Married, one child born 1988
1998 Habilitation in Economics, (German post-doctoral degree) University of Heidelberg
1991 Dr. rer. pol. (PhD in Economics), University of Heidelberg
1985 Diplom (MSc) in Mathematics, University of Heidelberg
1978 - 1985
Studies of Mathematics and Economics at the Universities of Göttingen (1978 -1980), Warsaw (1980 - 1981), Heidelberg (1981 - 1985) and Singapore (1982)
Current and past posts
since 2008 Senior Lecturer for International Economics, University of Heidelberg
Research Fellowship, "Leverhulme Centre for Research on Globalisation and Economic Policy" (GEP), University of Nottingham
2005-2008 Professor for International Economics, University of Erfurt
Vertragsprofessur (Temporary Professorship) for International Economics, University of Linz
1999 - 2005 Hochschuldozentin (Associate Professor) of Economics, University of Heidelberg
1998 - 1999
Lehrstuhlvertretung (Temporary Professorship) in International Economics, University of Essen
1995 Postdoctoral Fellowship, Tinbergen Institute Amsterdam
1991 - 1998 Hochschulassistentin (Assistant Professor) of Economics, University of Heidelberg
1985 - 1991 Teaching and Research lAssistant in Economics, University of Heidelberg
1983 - 1984 Student Teaching Assistant in Mathematics, University of Heidelberg
Scholarships and Fellowships  
10/2006-03/ 2008
Marie Curie Fellowship of the European Union for research at the University of Nottingham
01/1995 - 12/1995
Postdoctoral Fellowship of the European Union (Human Capital Mobility Programme) for the research visit at the Tinbergen Institute, Amsterdam
10/1980 - 07/1981
Scholarship of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) to study at the University of Warsaw
1978 - 1984
Scholarship of the German National Scholarship Foundation (Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes)
Research Interests  
International and Industrial Economics  


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Letzte Änderung: 08.08.2017
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