
Service Portal

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Seminarstr. 2
D-69117 Heidelberg


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Online service leaflet
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Online self-service function


Our online functions are intended to save you steps as well as simplify and speed up the various processes. Please use these functionalities to your benefit. Using the online functions is voluntary. Naturally you can also continue to pay your fees via bank transfer and take care of the administrative procedures cited below in the respective offices.

You can re-register simply and directly online by paying the amount due through a protected and secure channel. Right after re-registration you can access and print out your certificates.

And you can change your contact data directly in our database.

To use the online functions, you need a user name, password, and transaction number (TAN). You generate the TAN numbers yourself. Please follow the instructions provided.

Editor:: Email
Latest Revision: 2017-01-30
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