BrainIT Meeting 2017

The Brain Monitoring with Information Technology or BrainIT group ( is a collaboration of clinicians, basic scientists, statisticians, engineers and industry working towards improving the intensive care of brain injured patients. The ethos of the group is one of openness and free collaboration, not competition.

The group has created a standardised IT based core dataset collected from 22 neurointensive care centres from 11 countries across Europe. They have amassed and shared a uniquely detailed database of over 250 patients' data from which analyses have led to a number of peer reviewed academic publications.

Our Annual Meeting 2017 will be held in Heidelberg, Germany. The Steering Group will meet on September 11th to discuss new research opportunities. Our general meeting and scientific programme will take place on September 12th 2017.

Please visit our website at for the final programme.



Prof. Dr. Karl Kiening
Neurochirurgische Klinik
Im Neuenheimer Feld 400
69120 Heidelberg
Tel.: +49 6221 56 6300

Dr. Jan-Oliver Neumann
Tel.: +49 6221 56 38096

Webmaster: E-Mail
Letzte Änderung: 07.09.2017
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