Dear all, This year for the first time we get the opportunity to participate in the workshop BNUBS-GATE which will be held in Heidelberg. It is the result of a long-standing cooperation between GATE (Lyon) and BNUBS (Bejing) and takes place for the 8th time this year. The workshop will be held on 4th and 5th of July at the IWH, Heidelberg. The main objective is to facilitate exchange between members of the AWI and the two originally participating institutions and to promote possible co-operations between researchers of the three institutions. Main (but not exclusive) fields of interest are Labor Economics, Public Economics, Macroeconomics and Finance, using empirical, theoretical and experimental methods. More information can be found here:
The workshop is open for all members of our department.


Ms. Prof. Dr. Christiane Schwieren
Alfred-Weber-Institut für Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Bergheimer Straße 58
Tel.: +49 (0)6221 54 2953

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Letzte Änderung: 23.05.2018
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