Climate governance trends: Analyzing mitigation and adaptation policies
This workshop seeks to develop our understandings of the events that unfolded at the Paris negotiations, and their implications for the broader climate regime. In particular, we wish to identify and analyze the trends that are underway regarding global climate governance. In particular, what developments are underway regarding the academic theory that seek to explain climate change mitigation and adaptation? What empirical examples of new governance innovations can be isolated, and do these fit into broader trends? And thirdly, who are the key actors – both leaders and laggards – who shape negotiations, and how have they influenced recent developments?
The workshop will be a forum primarily for early-career researchers – around 15 in total – from INOGOV member states to present new research, receive feedback from peers and experts, and identify potential co-authors for new projects. The workshop is committed to facilitating networking between participants, as well as making empirical and theoretical advances. It is expected that attendees will present new research possibilities either to continue independently after the workshop, or to find co-authors who share similar research interests. In addition, we intend to form a group that can jointly produce a journal article that draws across many of the specialisms covered at the workshop, as well as a blog post and a policy brief.
For further information, please visit:
Nicole M. Schmidt
Institute for Political Science
Bergheimer Str. 58
69115 Heidelberg
Tel.: +49 (0)6221 54 3726