Christians and Muslims in Early Islamic Egypt: Sources and Interpretation

This workshop aims at exploring different aspects of Christian-Muslim interactions in early Islamic Egypt. Narrative sources, liturgical writings, archaeological material, inscriptions, coins and papyri provide extraordinary insight into the life of the first two centuries of an Islamic province (ca. 640–800 AD). However, the fragmentation of the various disciplines often prevents exchange of knowledge. In this conference, we will focus on Christian-Muslim interactions during the first two centuries of Islamic rule in Egypt. We would like to explore aspects of the first phase of the Nile Valley’s transition from a Christian to a Muslim society. We encourage participants to discuss work in progress (e.g. new papyrus texts) in a workshop setting.

We are planning five major panels:

- Muslim rule and government
- Christian communities
- Religious and Linguistic Change
- Fugitives
- Cultural Change



Lajos Berkes
Universität Heidelberg, Institut für Papyrologie
Marstallstraße 6, 69117 Heidelberg
Tel.: +49 (0) 6221 54 3379

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