Actors of the Excellence Initiative I

Institutional strategy "Realising the Potential of a Comprehensive University"

Hans-Georg Kräusslich
Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg Kräusslich
Marsilius Kolleg

Marsilius Kolleg – Making the Difference...

... for all who are willing and able.
He was in his mid-20s and had just earned his doctorate in expe­ri­mental virology – he had every right to feel satisfied. [More...]


Dr. Rowan Smith
Dr. Rowan Smith
Innovation Fund FRONTIER

Children’s Quarrel in the Milky Way – Who Flew over the Galaxy Rim?

Young Scottish astrophysicist Rowan Smith helped make an astounding discovery in Heidelberg: the first stars were not alone. [More...]


René Repasi
René Repasi
Innovation Fund FRONTIER

Differentiated Integration: Europe à la Carte

René Repasi wants to remain an academic to ensure his independence as a politician. In both capacities, he campaigns for the harmonisation of European legal systems. [More...]


Frauke Melchior
Prof. Dr. Frauke Melchior
DKFZ-ZMBH Alliance

SUMO: The Eternal Wrestling Match

Frauke Melchior discovered SUMO, a small protein with a big impact. She credits her discovery to a bit of luck, an eye for the unexpected, and a lot of solid craftsmanship. [More...]


Björn Ommer
Prof. Dr. Björn Ommer
Heidelberg Collaboratory for Image Processing

Image Recognition:
Teaching Computers to See

Björn Ommer finds questions in many fields of research. His answers help many, including industry. [More...]


Katja Mombaur
Prof. Dr. Katja Mombaur
Young Academics

Searching for the Optimum

Mathematician Katja Mombaur teaches robots to walk – looking to nature for inspiration. But she also uses scientific computing to solve medical problems.  [More...]


Joachim Wittbrodt
Prof. Dr. Joachim Wittbrodt
Heidelberg Molecular Life Science (HMLS)

A First-Hand Look at Evolution

Joachim Wittbrodt rules over 3,500 aquariums and close to 50,000 fish. As a boy, the biologist liked to catch them, now they have “caught” him. [More...]


Stephanie Hansmann-Menzemer
Prof. Dr. Stephanie Hansmann-Menzemer
Physics and Astronomy

The Mistress of Particle Chaos

In the LHCb experiment at CERN, Stephanie Hansmann- Menzemer searches for phenomena that cannot be explained with com­mon physical models. [More...]


Brosseder and Christ
Dr. Georg Christ, PD Dr. Claudia Brosseder
Transcultural Studies

Greater Focus on the Other Perspective

The discipline of transcultural studies examines the meeting of cultures from the perspective of both sides - and frequently leads Claudia Brosseder and Georg Christ to cross disciplinary boundaries. [More...]


Stefanie Walter
Prof. Dr. Stefanie Walter
Economics and Social Sciences

Politics in Times of Crisis

Stefanie Walter investigates the behaviour of governments in times of economic crisis. Her interest is in crises: financial distress, crashing currencies, economic downward spirals. [More...]


Jakob Stix
Dr. Jakob Stix
MAThematics Center Heidelberg (MATCH)

Creating New Worlds through Research

Jakob Stix conducts fundamental research in arithmetic geometry. He likes to get to the bottom of things. Especially if it's numbers he's dealing with. [More...]



Sylvia Erhardt
Dr. Sylvia Erhardt
Cluster of Excellence “Cellular Networks”

Dance of the Chromosomes

Biologist Sylvia Erhardt examines how chromosomes can be correctly assigned to the daughter cells during cell division and how an inconspicuously small chromosomal constriction affects this process. [More...]


Ingrid Lohmann
Dr. Ingrid Lohmann
Cluster of Excellence “Cellular Networks”

How Genes Control Development

Biologist Ingrid Lohmann investigates the mechanisms that let a single fertilised egg develop into a complex organism. In her research, the scientist relies on the help of a small fly. [More...]


Roberta Tontini
Roberta Tontini
Cluster of Excellence “Asia and Europe in a Global Context”

Islam in China - a Strange Fit?

Roberta Tontini wonders at how well Islam adapted itself to Confucian teachings - and at how quickly this harmony can disappear. [More...]


Graduate Schools

Bartelmann und Angrick
Prof. Dr. Matthias Bartelmann, Dr. Christian Angrick
Heidelberg Graduate School of Fundamental Physics

Keeping It Simple

Matthias Bartelmann, member of the Board of the Heidelberg Graduate School of Fundamental Physics, and his colleague Christian Angrick, doubt the benefits of being able to compute increasingly complex models. [More...]


Bodea und Sager
Anamaria Bodea, Dr. Sebastian Sager
Heidelberg Graduate School MathComp

To Swing or Not to Swing

Sebastian Sager, head of the junior research group for mathematical optimisation at the HGS MathComp, and PhD student Anamaria Bodea talk about training scientists for leading positions. [More...]


Pietrosiuk and Martini
Dr. Aleksandra Pietrosiuk, Sandra Martini
Hartmut Hoffmann-Berling International Grad­u­ate School of Molecular and Cellular Biology

Riding the Wave into the Professional World

Not all PhD students can or want to work in an academic environment. Industry offers exciting opportunities for young researchers - if they use their chances in time. [More...]


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Latest Revision: 2018-03-16
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