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November 2024

Article published by Bardi et al.,, please refer to the section 'Publications'.

October 2024

Congratulations to Maurice Maas, who received the poster award at the ASI conference 2024!

August 2024

Article published by Cox et al.,, please refer to the section 'Publications'.

July 2024

Congrats to our student award winners Laura, Kai and Axel, whose excellent bachelor, master and doctoral theses were selected for the Heinz-Friedrich-Schöler Environmental Award!

April 2024

Article published by Schroll et al.,, please refer to the section 'Publications'.

February 2024

Articles published by Wieland et al., Schmitt et al. and Cox et al., please refer to the section 'Publications'.

December 2023

Articles published by Greule et al. and Sapper et al., please refer to the section 'Publications'.

Congrats to Johannes and Marcus, who received awards for their excellent bachelor and doctoral theses by the Geology Foundation of Heidelberg !

November 2023

Frank Keppler received the Honorary Doctorate of the University of Szeged:

Article published by Hädeler et al., please refer to the section 'Publications'.

October 2023

Article published by Kanwischer et al., please refer to the section 'Publications'.

August 2023

Articles published by Polag et al., Schroll et al. and Ernst et al., please refer to the section 'Publications'.

The article by Ernst et al. was also highlighted in the press, see for example:

We would like to congratulate Marcus Schneider for successfully defending his PhD thesis!

July 2023

Articles published by Keppler et al. and Reinig et al., please refer to the section 'Publications'.

Congrats to our student award winners Manuel, Rebekka and Moritz, whose excellent bachelor, master and doctoral theses were selected for the Heinz-Friedrich-Schöler Environmental Award!

Also congrats to Marcus for winning the "golden hammer", a prize awarded by students for excellent lectures, and to Frank for second place.

June 2023

Articles published by Klintzsch et al. and Schorndorf et al., please refer to the section 'Publications'.

May 2023

Article published by Hartmann et al., please refer to the section 'Publications'.

The article was also highlighted by EOS:

December 2022

Articles published by Lu et al. and Baur et al., please refer to the section 'Publications'.

November 2022

Article published by Einzmann et al., please refer to the section 'Publications'.

October 2022

Article published by Lu et al., please refer to the section 'Publications'.

August 2022

Article published by Wieland et al., please refer to the section 'Publications'.

July 2022

Congrats to all of this year's student award winners and especially to our ORCAS members Sophia, Anna and Thomas, whose excellent bachelor, master and doctoral theses were selected for the Heinz-Friedrich Schöler prize for the environment!

May 2022

We would like to congratulate Moritz Schroll for successfully defending his PhD thesis.

Articles published by Schroll et al. and Hilt et al., please refer to the section 'Publications'.

April 2022

Article published by Jungmann et al., please refer to the section 'Publications'.

March 2022

Universal Mechanism of Methane Formation Discovered, please refer to the press release

and to the section 'Publications'.

February 2022

Article published by Porter et al., please refer to the section 'Publications'.

January 2022

Congratulations to Ivanina Ralenekova: she received the award by the Geology Foundation of Heidelberg for the best master thesis conducted within the years 2020 to 2021.Click here for the link to the award section of the Institute of Geosciences, Heidelberg.

November 2021

Perspective article discussing the role of plant methoxy groups in the formation of methane from coal published, please refer to the section 'Publications'.

September 2021

Teresa Einzmann received the best lecture award at the ASI conference 2021. Click here for the link to the ASI website.

Article published by Greule et al., please refer to the section 'Publications'.

Our paper “Sources and sinks of chloromethane in a salt marsh ecosystem: constraints from concentration and stable isotope measurements of laboratory incubation experiments” received the Best Paper Award 2020 in the journal “Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts” of the Royal Society of Chemistry.

June 2021

Article published by Kröber et al., please refer to the section 'Publications'.

May 2021

We would like to congratulate Luna Nanasi and Daniel Müller for receiving the "Heinz-Friedrich Schöler - Umweltpreis" for their excellent bachelor- and master theses, respectively.

We welcome Anna Wieland as a new member in our Biogeochemistry group. We also welcome Jan Reuther and Maximilian Deeg, who joined our group for their master thesis and Kirsten Rheinberger, who joined our group for her bachelor thesis.

April 2021

Articles published by Kleint et al. and Muntau et al., please refer to the section 'Publications'.

March 2021

Articles published by Müller et al. and Jakob et al., please refer to the section 'Publications'.

February 2021

We would like to congratulate Thomas Klintzsch for successfully defending his PhD thesis.

We welcome Jonas Hädeler as a new member in our Biogeochemistry group.

November 2020

We welcome Alexandra Kölbl and Anna Wieland who joined the Biogeochemistry group for their master thesis and Martin Lienenlüke who joined the Biogeochemistry group for his bachelor thesis.

October 2020

We would like to congratulate Jan Hartmann for winning the KlarText Award for scientific communication 2020 of the Klaus Tschira Foundation. For more information visit

August 2020

Article published by Klintzsch et al., please refer to the section 'Publications'.

July 2020

Articles published by Schroll et al., Lu et al. and Hou et al., please refer to the section 'Publications'.

June 2020

We welcome Ivanina Ralenekova who joined the Biogeochemistry group for her master thesis and Kai Ernst, Maurice Maas and Savinja Gruß who joined the Biogeochemistry group for bachelor thesis.

May 2020

We welcome Teresa Einzmann and Luna Nanasi who joined the Biogeochemistry group for their master and bachelor thesis.

April 2020

Article published by Wang et al., please refer to the section 'Publications'.

March 2020

Articles published by Keppler et al. and Anhäuser et al., please refer to the section 'Publications'.

February 2020

Articles published by Keppler et al. and Hartmann et al., please refer to the section 'Publications'.

January 2020

Articles published by Bizic et al. and Greule et al., please refer to the section 'Publications'.

Dezember 2019

Marcus Schneider received an award by the Geology Foundation of Heidelberg University for his excellent master thesis.

November 2019

Articles published by Maier et al. and Sattler et al., please refer to the section 'Publications'.

Oktober 2019

Article published by Klintzsch et al., please refer to the section 'Publications'.

September 2019

Field campaign to Carpathian Mountains to collect tree rings for climate change studies.

July 2019

Articles published by Polag and Keppler, Liu et al. and Wilde et al., please refer to the section 'Publications'.

Campus TV reports about research project of the biogeochemistry group. See this link.

June 2019

Articles published by Bringel et al. and Ritter et al., please refer to the section 'Publications'.

April 2019

We welcome S. Christoph Hartmann as a new member in our Biogeochemistry group.

February 2019

Article published by Bahlmann et al., please refer to the section 'Publications'.

We welcome Marcus Schneider as a new member in our Biogeochemistry group.

November 2018

Article published by Greule et al., please refer to the section 'Publications'.

October 2018

Article published by Lenhart et al., please refer to the section 'Publications'.

June 2018

Articles published by Anhäuser et al. and Comba et al., please refer to the section 'Publications'.

May 2018

Articles published by Jaeger et al. Hartmann et al. and Keppler et al., please refer to the section 'Publications'.

April 2018

Articles published by May et al., Schulze-Makuch et al., Jaeger et al. and Esper et al., please refer to the section 'Publications'.

We welcome Moritz Schroll as a new member in our Biogeochemistry group.

January 2018

Article published by Polag and Keppler, please refer to the section 'Publications'.

September 2017

Articles published by Mulat et al. and Riechelmann et al., please refer to the section 'Publications'.

Juli 2017

Article published by Benzing et al., please refer to the section 'Publications'.

Juni 2017

Article published by Keppler et al., please refer to the section 'Publications'.

Article published by Schreiber et al., please refer to the section 'Publications'.

Article published by Geißler et al., please refer to the section 'Publications'.

April 2017

We welcome Bernd Knape as a new member in our Biogeochemistry group.

March 2017

Article published by Hepp et al., please refer to the section 'Publications'.

December 2016

Article published by Anhäuser et al., please refer to the section 'Publications'.

October 2016

Article published by Anhäuser et al., please refer to the section 'Publications'.

September 2016

Article published by Kamilli et al., please refer to the section 'Publications'.

June 2016

Article published by Hepp et al., please refer to the section 'Publications'.

May 2016

Article published by Lenhart et al., please refer to the section 'Publications'.

March 2016

We welcome Tobias Sattler as a new member in our Biogeochemistry group.

February 2016

We welcome Thomas Klintzsch as a new member in our Biogeochemistry group.

January 2016

Articles published by Riechelmann et al. and Keppler et al., please refer to the section 'Publications'.

September 2015

Article published by Polag et al., for details please refer to the section 'Publications' on the left.

July 2015

Five articles published by Mischel et al., Greule et al., McRoberts et al., May et al. and Lenhart et al., for details please refer to the section 'Publications' on the left

April 2015

We welcome Dr. Nicole Jaeger as a new member in our Biogeochemistry group

March 2015

New article published by Lenhart et al. (2015), for details please refer to the section 'Publications' on the left

Feb 2015

New articles published by
Greule et al. (2015) and Anhäuser et al. (2015),
for details please refer to the section 'Publications' on the left


The research group 'Biogeochemistry' cordially invites for the ASI Conference. The conference will take place in Heidelberg at the Institute of Earth Sciences from the 28th Sep - 30th Sep 2015. A separate homepage of this conference including all further information will be online soon.



Die Erde im Wandel der Zeit: vom Ursprung bis ins Anthropozän

Biogeochemie ist eine interdisziplinäre Systemwissenschaft, deren Themenkreis alle fünf geochemischen Sphären umfasst: Biosphäre, Pedosphäre, Hydrosphäre, Atmosphäre und Lithosphäre.


E. Gorham beschreibt die Biogeochemie wie folgt ...
Biogeochemistry deals with control of the concentrations and cycling of elements in and above the earth’s crust by the synthesis, death and decomposition of organisms. The term was coined by Vernadsky (1926) (...). Biogeochemistry represents a very gradual coalescence and eventual synthesis of three diverse disciplines into a recognized branch of science. In it the most fundamental aspects of knowledge of the planet Earth are being studied by scientists at the same time, and in the same way, that they seek a better understanding of extremely important practical problems. Most notable among such problems are those caused by human manipulation of biogeochemical cycles on nature’s own scale. The challenge that faces humanity is nothing less than the maintenance of the balance of nature represented by those cycles, which will require a greatly improved understanding of planetary biogeochemistry.” Gorham, E., 1991. Biogeochemistry: its origins and development. Biogeochemistry 


Die Biogeochemie steht damit im engen Zusammenhang mit dem Begriff des Anthropozäns welches den Menschen als Faktor versteht, der die geologischen, biologischen und atmosphärischen Prozesse auf der Erde unwiderbringlich verändert. Damit wird der Mensch zum konkret Verantwortlichen für die weitere Entwicklung unseres Planeten. Geprägt wurde der Begriff vom Atmosphärenchemiker und Nobelpreisträger Paul Crutzen. Die Diskussion um das "Anthropozän"  als neue geologische Epoche wird im Forschungsmagazin Ruperto Carola (Ausgabe 15, Dezember 2019) (Link hier) und im Buchkapitel "Anthropozän" (Link hier) erschienen in Umwelt interdisziplinär - Grundlagen-Konzepte-Handlungsfelder, näher erläutert.


Für biogeochemische Fragestellungen haben sich stabile Isotope als bewährte Hilfsmittel etabliert. Sie dienen als Indikatoren für (bio)chemische Reaktionen und sind fähig, Schwankungen der Umwelt sowie des Klimas zu reflektieren. In unserer Forschungsgruppe liegt der Schwerpunkt auf der Messung und Anwendung stabiler Isotope in zahlreichen Feldern der Biogeochemie sowie benachbarten Disziplinen (siehe nachfolgende Abbildung).


Vitrine Internet


Die Forschungsgruppe Biogeochemie erforscht die Bildung klimarelevanter Substanzen und ihren Lebenszyklus. Der Forschungsschwerpunkt liegt auf den Klimagasen Kohlendioxid, Methan und Lachgas und deren Beitrag zum Treibhauseffekt beziehungsweise zur Ozonzerstörung. Zudem untersucht die Forschungsgruppe anhand von Baumringen und Sedimenten Veränderungen des Klimas in der Vergangenheit. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt ist die Entwicklung und Anwendung analytischer Messmethoden zur Bestimmung der isotopischen Zusammensetzung von Klimagasen. Darüber hinaus werden optische Messtechniken zur Isotopenbestimmung von Methan und Kohlendioxid in Biogasreaktoren entwickelt und getestet. Schließlich werden auch Methoden zur Herkunfts- und Echtheitsprüfung von Lebensmitteln in der Arbeitsgruppe entwickelt.

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