
schrolls moritz
Moritz Schroll


Dr. Moritz Schroll

Curriculum Vitae

since 2022 Post-Doc in the research group for Biogeochemistry (Institute of Earth Sciences, Heidelberg University)


PhD student in the research group for Biogeochemistry (Institute of Earth Sciences, Heidelberg University); Thesis: Methane cycling in a eutrophic lake characterised by multiple stable isotope and flux measurements

2015-2018 Master study in geosciences (Institute of Earth Sciences, Heidelberg University); master thesis: "Emission and consumption of greenhouse gases in soils and plants: investigations via mass spectromentry"
2015-2017 Student assistant (research group for Biogeochemistry, Institute for Earth Sciences, Heidelberg University)
2012-2015 Bachelor study in geosciences (Institute of Earth Sciences, Heidelberg University); bachelor  thesis: "Isotopic composition (δD) of chloromethane in hydrothermal systems in the Taunus"


Research focus


  • Nitrous oxide concentration and stable isotope measurements for identifying N2O sources such as plants, phytoplankton and quantifying N2O fluxes from lakes, permafrost soil and glaciers using cavity ring-down spectroscopy
  • Methane cycle in lakes with specific consideration of CH4 accumulation in the oxic water column based on concentration and flux measurements as well as the stable carbon and hydrogen isotope composition of CH4
  • Methane production and its underlying mechanisms in plants and fungi using concentration measurements and stable isotope techniques


Analytical Experience

  • GC-FID
  • GC-BID
  • GC-MS (including pre-concentration units)
  • GC-IRMS (including pre-concentration units)
  • Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (Picarro G2201-i and Picarro G5131-i for the measurement of CH4 and N2O concentrations and their stable isotope values) in field and laboratory application




Zukunftskolleg Fellow at the Heidelberg Center for the Environment (HCE)


  • M. Schroll, K. Lenhart, S. Greiner, F. Keppler (2022). Making plant methane formation visible—Insights from application of 13C-labeled dimethyl sulfoxide. Plant-Environment Interactions, 3, 104-117, doi:10.1002/pei3.10076
  • J.F. Kleint, Y. Wellach, M. Schroll, F. Keppler, M. Isenbeck-Schröter (2021). The impact of seasonal sulfate-methane transition zones on methane cycling in a sulfate-enriched freshwater environment. Limnology and Oceanography, 66, 2290–2308, doi:10.1002/lno.11754.
  • M. Schroll, F. Keppler, M. Greule, C. Eckhardt, H. Zorn, K. Lenhart (2020). The stable carbon isotope signature of methane produced by saprotrophic fungi. Biogeosciences, 17, 3891-3901, doi:10.5194/bg-17-3891-2020.
  • F. Keppler, A.N. Röhling, N. Jaeger, M. Schroll, S.C. Hartmann, M. Greule (2020). Sources and sinks of chloromethane in a salt marsh ecosystem: constraints from concentration and stable isotope measurements of laboratory incubation experiments. Environmental Science: Processes & Impact, doi:10.1039/C9EM00540D.
  • P. Comba, D. Faltermeier, S. Gieger, F. Keppler, H.F. Schöler, M. Schroll (2018). Iron catalyzed demethylation of acetic acid. Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 71:11-13, 1704-1714, doi:10.1080/00958972.2018.1490414.



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