


Biostratigraphy and Palaeoecology

Dr. Werner Fielitz



Institut für Geowissenschaften


Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg


Im Neuenheimer Feld 234 / Room 216


D-69120 Heidelberg


0049 (0)6221-54 8278




Areas of Expertise:

  • Structural Geology / Tectonics
  • Regional Geology
  • foreland and thrust belts
  • syn to late orogenetic Crustal Exhumation and Basin Development
  • Basin Development and Fluid Migration
  • Neotectonics
  • Mikrostruktures of low-temperature Metamorphic Rocks



  • Universitätsintern:
    • Studienberatung Geowissenschaften
    • ERASMUS - Beauftragter
    • Prüfungsausschuß Diplom "Geologie-Paläontologie"
    • Studienkommission Geowissenschaften
    • Bibliotheksbeauftragter
  • Universitätextern:
    • Editorial Board "Geologica Belgica"



  • SFB 461: Starkbeben: Von geowissenschftlichen Grundlagen zu Ingenieurmaßnahmen (Universität Karlsruhe)

    • Projektbereich A1: Seismische Tiefensondierung über der Vrancea-Subduktionszone. 1998 - 2004

    • Projektbereich A4: Geothermisches Feld, Fluidregime und Tektonik in den Karpaten. 1996 -1999


Diploma/Bachelor/Master theses / Dissertations:

Mögliche Themen zu Bachelorarbeiten:

Arbeiten zur regionalen Geologie:

  • Neckar-Tal zwischen Heidelberg und Heilbronn

  • Westrand des Oberrheingrabens (Süd-Pfalz)

  • Nord-Schwarzwald

  • Südwest-Sardinien (in Zusammenhang mit jährlicher Kartierübung)

Die Arbeiten bestehen aus:

  • Kartierung kleiner Gebiete (mit geologischer Karte + Schnitt)

  • lithologisch-/petrographische Profilaufnahmen (mit Dünnschliffuntersuchungen)

  • tektonischen Beobachtungen

  • Literaturrecherche

Mögliche Themen zu Master- und Diplomarbeiten:

Strukturgeologisch-tektonische Arbeiten

  • östlicher Oberrheingrabenrand (Nord-Schwarzwald und angrenzende Gebiete)

  • westlicher Oberrheingrabenrand (Süd-Pfalz)

  • Südwest-Sardinien (in Zusammenhang mit jährlicher Kartierübung)

Eine regionalgeologische Kartierung ist die Grundlage jeder Arbeit.


  • Vorlesungen, Übungen, Kartierkurse und Geländeübungen zur Strukturgeologie/Tektonik/Geodynamik und zur regionalen Geologie (Bachelor/Master "Geowissenschaften")



  • NECEA, Diana; FIELITZ, Werner; KADEREIT, Annette; ANDRIESSEN, Paul A.M.; DINU, Corneliu (2013): Middle Pleistocene to Holocene fluvial terrace development and uplift-driven valley incision in the SE Carpathians, Romania. Tectonophysics 602: 332-354.
  • EISBACHER, Gerhard H., FIELITZ, Werner (2010): Karlsruhe und seine Region. Sammlung geologischer Führer, Band 103, 342 pp, Gebr. Borntraeger, Stuttgart.
  • FIELITZ, Werner, EISBACHER, Gerhard H., GRIMMER, Jens (2010): A late Variscian W-dipping lithospheric detachment: Its significance for the Upper Rhine Graben formation and Pleistocene tectonics and sadimentation. Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 68, GeoDarmstadt2010, 169-170; Hannover.
  • BAUER, Wilfried, FIELITZ, Werner, JACOBS, Joachim, SPÄTH, Gerhard (2009). Neoproterozoic mafic dykes of the Heimefrontfjella. Polarforschung, 79 (1), 33-38.
  • EISBACHER, Gerhard H., FIELITZ, Werner (2008): Eine spätvariszische (325 Ma) W-fallende Abschiebung als lithosphärische Schwächezone unter dem Oberrhein-Graben. 12th Symposium "Tektonik, Struktur- und Kristallingeologie" 2.-4. April 2008, Karlsruhe, Germany, Geotectonic Research 95/01, p. 39-40.
  • RAILEANU, Victor; BALA, Andrei; HAUSER, Franz; PRODEHL, Claus; FIELITZ, Werner (2005). Crustal properties from S-wave and gravity data along a seismic refraction profile in Romania. In: Cloetingh, S. et al., editors: Special volume Fourth Stephan Müller conference of the EGU on Geodynamic and tectonic evolution of the Carpathian Arc and its Foreland. Tectonophysics, 410, 251-272.
  • NECEA, Diana; FIELITZ, Werner; MATENCO, Liviu (2005). Late Pliocene-Quaternary tectonics in the frontal part of the SE Carpathians: insights from tectonic geomorphology. In: Cloetingh, S. et al., editors: Special volume Fourth Stephan Müller conference of the EGU on Geodynamic and tectonic evolution of the Carpathian Arc and its Foreland. Tectonophysics, 410, 137-156.
  • FIELITZ, Werner, SEGHEDI, Ioan (2005). Late Miocene-Quaternary volcanism, tectonics and drainage system evolution on the East Carpathians, Romania. In: Cloetingh, S. et al., editors: Special volume fourth Stephan Müller conference of the EGU on geodynamic and tectonic evolution of the Carpathian Arc and its foreland. Tectonophysics, 410, 111-136.
  • ASCH, Kristine (2005): IGME 5000, The 1 : 5 Million International Geological Map of Europe and Adjacent Areas. – BGR Hannover. (Scientific reviews u.a. FIELITZ, W.)
  • RAILEANU, Victor; HAUSER, Franz; BALA, Andrei; PRODEHL, Claus; FIELITZ, Werner (2004). Complex interpretation of P and S wave velocity models along of VRANCEA 99 seismic refraction line. In: Lungu, D. et al., editors: Earthquake loss estimation and risk reduction, Proceedings of the International Conference  Oct. 24-26, 2002 in Bucharest, Romania, 201-211.
  • LANDES, Michael; FIELITZ, Werner; HAUSER, Franz; POPA, Mihaela and the CALIXTO Group (2004): 3-D upper crustal tomographic structure across the Vrancea seimic zone, Romania. Tectonophysics 382: 85-102.
  • BAUER, Wilfried; FIELITZ, Werner; JACOBS, Joachim; FANNING, C.M.; SPAETH, Gerhard (2003): Mafic Dykes from Heimefrontfjella and implications for the post-Grenvillian to pre-Pan-African geological evolution of western Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica. Antarctic Science 15 (3): 379-391
  • HAUSER, Franz; PRODEHL, Claus; LANDES, Michael; and the VRANCEA working group (among others W. FIELITZ) (2002): Seismic experiments target earthquake-prone region in Romania. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union 83: 457 and 462-463.
  • HAUSER, Franz; RAILEANU, Victor; FIELITZ, Werner; BALA, Andrei; PRODEHL, Claus; POLONIC, Gabriela; SCHULZE, Albrecht (2001): VRANCEA99 - the crustal structure beneath the southeastern Carpathians and the Moesian Platform from a seismic refraction profile in Romania. Tectonophysics 340: 233-256.
  • FIELITZ, Werner; BADESCU, Doru; DEGARDIN, Jean-Marie; MELINTE, Mihaela (2000): Very low-grade geothermal evolution of the Eastern Carpathians and surrounding areas, Romania. 90th Annual Meeting Geologische Vereinigung/Geological Society of Austria meeting "Geology 2000" in Wien/Austria, Terra nostra 2000 (1): 41.
  • FIELITZ, Werner; BADESCU, Doru; BAUMANN, Christoph; DEMETRESCU, Crisan; ENE, M.; MELINTE, Mihaela; POLONIC, Gabriela; WILHELM, Helmut (1999): Geothermal field and structurally controlled regional-scale fluid convection system in the eastern Carpathians and its foreland, Romania. Joint Meeting of EUROPROBE TESZ, Pancardi and Georift Projects in Tulcea, Romania, Romanian J. of Tectonics and Regional Geol. 77 (1): 31.
  • FIELITZ, Werner; BADESCU, Doru; MELINTE, Mihaela (1999): Structurally controlled regional-scale fluid-flow in the eastern Carpathians, Romania. EUG 10, Strasbourg/France, J. of conf. abstr. 4: 749.
  • FIELITZ, Werner; MANSY, Jean-Louis (1999): Pre- and synorogenic burial metamorphism in the Ardenne and neighbouring areas (Rhenohercynian zone, central European Variscides). Tectonophysics 309: 227-256.
  • FIELITZ, W. (1997): Inversion tectonics and diastathermal metamorphism in the Serpont Massif area of the Variscan Ardenne (Belgium) - Aard. Mededel. 8: 79-82.
  • Service Géologique National, Contributions régionales among others W. FIELITZ (1996): Carte Géologique de la France au millionième, 6ème édition. - Éditions BRGM.
  • FIELITZ, W.; MANBY, G.; MANSY, J.-L.; MEILLIEZ, F. (1994): The Variscan Front Between Ireland and Germany - Result of a Transpressed Basement-controlled Dissected Continental Margin. - Abstracts of 10. Rundgespräch "Geodynamik des Europäischen Variszikums" in Bayreuth/Germany 16.-20.10.1994. P. 13-14.
  • FIELITZ, W.; MEILLIEZ, F.,; MANSY, J.-L. (1994): Inversion tectonics and metamorphism in the Ardenne area of the central Rhenohercynian belt. - Terra nostra 94 (3): 37-38.
  • MEILLIEZ, F.; FIELITZ, W.; LADURON, D.; MANSY, J.-L.; MANBY, G. (1994): The deep structure of the Ardennes Variscan thrust belt from structural and ECORS seismic data: Discussion. - J. Struct. Geol. 16 (3): 431-432.
  • FIELITZ, W. (1992): Variscan transpressive inversion in the northwestern central Rhenohercynian belt of western Germany. - J. Struct. Geol. 14: 547-563.
  • MEILLIEZ, F. avec la collaboration de ANDRÉ, L.; BLIECK, A.; FIELITZ, W.; GOFFETTE, O.; HANCE, L.; KHATIR, A.; MANSY, J.-L.; OVERLAU, P.; VERNIERS, J. (1991): Ardenne-Brabant. - In: PIQUÉ, A. (ed.): Les massifs anciens de France. Sciences Géologiques, Bull. 44 (1-4): 3-29; Strasbourg.
  • DEKORP Research Group, among others W. FIELITZ (1991): Results of the DEKORP 1 (BELCORP-DEKORP) deep seismic reflection studies in the western part of the Rhenish Massif. - Geophys. J. Int. 106: 203-227.
  • FIELITZ, W.; GOFFETTE, O.; MEILLIEZ, F. (1991): Inversion tectonics and correlated magmatic and metamorphic events through the northern Variscan margin between the Channel and the Rhine River. - EUG VI meeting 24.-28.3.1991 in Strasbourg/France. Terra abstracts 3 (1): 229-230.
  • SPAETH, G.; FIELITZ, W. (1991): Structural evolution of western Neuschwabenland and the Shackleton Range - a comparison. - In: ULBRICH, H.; ROCHA CAMPOS, A.C. (edits.): Gondwana Seven Proceedings, 3-18; Sao Paulo.
  • FIELITZ, W.; SPAETH, G. (1991): A structural survey of Precambrian rocks, Heimefrontfjella, western Neuschwabenland, with special reference to the basic dykes. - In: THOMSON, M.R.A.; CRAME, J.A.; THOMSON, J.W. (edits.): Geological evolution of Antarctica, 67-72; Cambridge University Press.
  • SPAETH, G.; FIELITZ, W. (1987): Structural Investigations in the Precambrian of Western Neuschwabenland, Antarctica. - Polarforschung 57 (1/2): 71-92; Bamberg.
  • SPAETH, G.; FIELITZ, W.; FRANK, B. (1985): Caledonian Deformation and Very Low-Grade Metamorphism in the Northeastern Part of the Stavelot-Venn Massif. - N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh. 171 (1-3): 297-310; Stuttgart.
  • FIELITZ, W. (1985): Structural Inventory of the Core Profile of the Research Borehole Konzen, Hohes Venn (West Germany). - N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh. 171 (1-3): 63-73; Stuttgart.
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