Application and Admission to the Examination Procedure



Oral examination date:

As a rule oral examination dates for doctoral students with chemical subjects are on a friday.
Usually no oral examinations take place during the semester break of the summer term.


Submission date:

Your thesis has to be made available to members of the faculty by circulation before your oral examination. Depending on your desired oral examination date you have to submit your thesis and documents 5 weeks before your examination date (at the latest!) at the dean's office.
Cumulative doctorates are subject to other regulations.

Please contact Mrs. Antimisaris from the dean’s office as early as possible to schedule your examination.


The application for admission to the examination procedure is to be accompanied by:

  • Form „Application for admission to the examination procedure
  • Form „Approval of the examination committee
  • 4 printed Copies of your thesis.
    Please note that, the
    sworn affidavit has to be handwritten signed by you and bound into the printed thesis. In addition you have to submit the instruction concerning this affidavit.
    The date of your oral examination should be mentioned in your printed thesis.
    Summaries of the most important findings must be placed before the main text in both German and English. This abstract doesn’t replace the actual summary of your thesis.
  • Please note that, in addition, you have to give a printed copy to each of your examiners too, as soon as they were appointed by the dean.
  • 2 originally signed copies of your curriculum vitae (tabular; listing notably your courses of undergraduate and postgraduate study and your nationality).
  • The original documents of your certificates (Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) and Master of Science (M.Sc.)) and 2 Copies.
  • A copy of the letter of acceptance as doctoral student (respectively the extension)
  • 1 CD with your thesis in copyable pdf-format; alternatively, your thesis can be sent electronically to the Dean's Office in a readable and copyable pdf file (

The decision about the admission to the examination procedure is made by the doctoral committee.


Editor: Email
Latest Revision: 2024-05-23
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