Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jonas Grethlein
Foto © Marsilius-Kolleg
der Universität Heidelberg
Seminar für Klassische Philologie Zimmer: Sandgasse 7, ZG 010 Telefon: 06221-54 2262
Publikationen - Curriculum vitae - ERC Project "Experience and Teleology in Ancient Narrative"
- Hoffnung. Eine Geschichte der Zuversicht von Homer bis zum Klimawandel. Munich 2024.
- Ancient Greek Texts and Modern Narrative Theory. Towards a Critical Dialogue. Cambridge 2023.
- Antike und Identität. Die Herausforderungen der Altertumswissenschaften. Tübingen 2022.
- Mein Jahr mit Achill. Die Ilias, der Tod und das Leben. Munich 2022.
- The Ancient Aesthetics of Deception. The Ethics of Entchantment from Gorgias to Heliodorus. Cambridge 2021.
- Aesthetic Experiences and Classical Antiquity. The Significance of Form in Narratives and Pictures. Cambridge 2017 (paperback 2019).
- Die Odyssee. Homer und die Kunst des Erzählens. Munich 2017.
- Reading the Odyssey: A Guide to Homer's Narrative. Princeton 2024.
- Experience and Teleology in Ancient Historiography. Futures Past from Herodotus to Augustine. Cambridge 2013 (paperback 2017).
- The Greeks and their Past. Poetry, Oratory, and History in the Fifth-Century BCE. Cambridge 2010 (paperback 2013).
- Littells Orestie. Mythos, Macht und Moral in Les Bienveillantes. Freiburg 2009 (Paradeigmata 9).
- Das Geschichtsbild der Ilias. Eine Untersuchung aus phänomenologischer und narratologischer Perspektive. Göttingen 2006 (Hypomnemata 163).
- Asyl und Athen. Die Konstruktion kollektiver Identität in der griechischen Tragödie. Stuttgart/Weimar 2003 (Drama. Beiträge zum antiken Drama und seiner Rezeption. Beiheft 21).
Edited Volumes
- Together with L. Huitink, A. Tagliabue: Experience, Narrative, and Criticism in Ancient Greece. Under the Spell of Stories. Oxford 2019.
- Together with A. Rengakos: Griechische Literaturgeschichtsschreibung. Traditionen, Probleme und Konzepte. Berlin/Boston 2017.
- Together with C. Krebs: Time and Narrative in Ancient Historiography. The “Plupast” from Herodotus to Appian. Cambridge 2012 (paperback 2016).
- Together with A. Rengakos: Narratology and Interpretation. The Content of Narrative Form in Ancient Literature. Berlin/New York 2009 (paperback 2016) (Trends in Classics - Supplementary Volumes 4).
- “Too much is too much? Kóros in ancient criticism and the poetics of scale.” TAPA 153: 363-387.
- “In the Philostratus trap. An enactive and embodied perspective on the Imagines and their enargeia.” JHS 143: 276-293.
- “Establishing a new genre: Thucydides and non-historiographic memory.” In: P. Low (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Thucydides. Cambridge: 17-30.
- “Gorgias’ apatê, Sophocles’ Electra, and cognitive criticism.” In: F. Budelmann, I. Sluiter (eds.) Minds on Stage. Greek Tragedy and Cognition. Oxford: 153-172.
- “Für Interpretation.” Merkur 881: 75-82.
- “Auteurs en personages. Antieke vertellingen en moderne narratologie.“ Lampas 55: 356-71.
- “Thisbe’s intrigue. A plot between deception and illusion (Heliod. 1.15-17).” In: I. Repath, T. Whitmarsh (eds.) Reading Heliodorus' Aethiopica. Oxford: 39-51.
- “Die Fabel.” In B. Zimmermann, A. Rengakos (eds.) Handbuch der griechischen Literatur der Antike. 3.1. Die pagane Literatur der Kaiserzeit und Spätantike. Munich:1137-77.
- “Das Allgemeine im geschichtlich Besonderen. Eine Grundfrage des Historismus in der Antike.” In F. v. Ammon, M. Waltenberger (eds.) Mikrokosmen. Ästhetische Formen und diskursive Figurationen einer Repräsentativität des Partikularen. Berlin 2022: 13-38.
- “Mimesis and experience. A Platonic perspective on Ricoeur's Time and Narrative.” Poetics Today 42/3: 361-380.
- “Author and characters. Ancient, narratological, and cognitive views on a tricky relationship.” Classical Philology 116/2: 208-230.
- “Heideggers Griechen, 'Deutsche in Togen'?” In: International Yearbook of Hermeneutics 20: 271-85.
- “The universal in the particular. A core dilemma of historicism in antiquity.” In A. Turner (ed.), Reconciling Ancient and Modern Philosophies of History (pp. 123-146). Berlin/ Boston 2020:123-146.
- “Epitome und Erzählung. Die Rekapitulation am Ende der Odyssee.” Poetica 50: 169-192.
- “Plato in therapy. A cognitivist reassessment of the Republic's idea of mimesis.” The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 78/2: 157-170.
- “Representation delimited and historicized. Metalepsis in ancient literature and vase-painting.” In: S. Matzner, G. Trimble (eds.) Metalepsis. Ancient Texts, New Perspectives. Oxford 2020: 25-57.
- “Odysseus and his bed. From significant objects to thing theory in Homer.” Classical Quarterly 69/2: 467-482.
- “Am Anfang war das Epische”. In: T. Serrier, E. François (eds.) Europa. Die Gegenwart unserer Geschichte. Darmstadt 2019: 339-353.
- “Zeit, Antike.” In: E. von Contzen, S. Tilg (eds.) Handbuch historische Narratologie. Berlin 2019: 170-180.
- together with L. Huitink, A. Tagliabue: “Narrative and Aesthetic Experience in Ancient Greece: An Introduction.” In: J. Grethlein, L. Huitink, A. Tagliabue (eds) Experience, Narrative, and Criticism in Ancient Greece. Under the Spell of Stories. Oxford 2019: 1-14.
- “World and Words. The Limits to Mimesis and Immersion in Heliodorus’ Ethiopica.” In: J. Grethlein, L. Huitink, A. Tagliabue (eds) Experience, Narrative, and Criticism in Ancient Greece. Under the Spell of Stories. Oxford 2019: 127-147.
- “Platon in Therapie.” Merkur 843: 48-59.
- “‘Stories Embroidered Beyond Truth’: Reading Herodotus and Thucydides in Light of Pindar’s Olympian 1.” In: J. Baines, H. van der Blom, Y. S. Chen, T. Rood (eds.) Historical Consciousness and the Use of the Past in the Ancient World. Sheffield 2019: 313-329.
- “Das Postfaktische. Sophistische Betrachtungen zu einem postmodernen Erbe.” Zeitschrift für Ideengeschichte 13/2: 113-122.
- “The dynamics of time. Herodotus’ Histories and contemporary Athens before and after Fornara.” In: T. Harrison, L. Irwin (eds.) Interpreting Herodotus. The Present in the Past. Oxford 2018: 223-42.
- “Helenas Droge. Erfahrung und Erzählung in der Odyssee.” Jahrbuch der Bayerischen Akademie der Künste, 2018: 203-216.
- “More than minds. Experience, narrative, and plot.” Partial Answers 16/2, 2018: 279-290.
- “The eyes of Odysseus. Gaze, desire, and control in the Odyssey.” In: A. Kampakoglou et al. (eds.) Gaze, Vision, and Visuality in Ancient Greek Literature. Berlin/New York 2018: 33-60.
- “Ornamental and formulaic patterns. The semantic significance of form in early Greek vase-painting and homeric epic.” In: N. Dietrich, M. Squire (eds.) Ornament and Figure in Graeco-Roman Art. Rethinking Visual Ontologies in Classical Antiquity. Berlin/New York 2018: 73-96.
- “Truth, vividness, and enactive narration in ancient Greek historiography.” In: T. Blank, F. Maier (eds.) Die symphonischen Schwestern. Stuttgart 2018: 69-86.
- “Homeric motivation and modern narratology. The case of Penelope.” CCJ 64: 70-90.
- “Die Antike - das ‘nächste Fremde’? ” Merkur 824, 2018: 22-35.
- “Lessing’s Laocoon and the ‘as-if’ of aesthetic experience.” In: M. Squire, A. Lifschitz (eds.) Rethinking Lessing’s Laocoon: Antiquity, Enlightenment, and the ‘Limits’ of Painting and Poetry. Oxford 2017: 307-326.
- together with L. Huitink: “Homer’s vividness. An enactive approach.” JHS 137, 2017: 67-91.
- “The best of the Achaeans? Odysseus and Achilles in the Odyssey.” In: A. Markantonantos, C. Tsangalis (eds.) The Winnowing Oar. New Perspectives in Homeric Studies. Berlin 2017:121-142.
- “Literary history! The case of ancient Greek literature.” In: J. Grethlein, A. Rengakos (eds.) Griechische Literaturgeschichtsschreibung. Traditionen, Probleme und Konzepte. Berlin/Boston 2017: 11-29.
- “Au commencement est l’épopée.” in: E. François, Th. Serrier (eds.) Europa, notre histoire. L’héritage européen depuis Homère. Paris 2017: 319-332.
- “Sloterdijks Odyssee.” Zeitschrift für Ideengeschichte XI/3, 2017: 121-127.
- “Lucian’s response to Augustine. Conversion and narrative in Confessions and Nigrinus.” Religion in the Roman Empire 2/2, 2016: 256-278.
- “Minding the middle in Heliodorus’ Ethiopica. False closure, triangular foils, and self-reflection.” Classical Quarterly 66/1, 2016: 316-335.
- “Sight and reflexivity. Theorising vision in Greek vase-painting.” In: Michael Squire (ed.) Sight and the Ancient Senses, vol. 4 of The Senses in Antiquity. Durham 2016: 85-106.
- “Ancient Historiography and ‘Future Past’.” In: A. Lianeri (ed.) Knowing Future Time In and Through Greek Historiography. Berlin 2016: 59-78.
- “Vision and reflexivity in the Odyssey and early vase-painting.” Word & Image 31/3, 2015: 197-212.
- “Aesthetic experiences, ancient and modern.” New Literary History 46/2, 2015: 309-333.
- “Is narrative ‘the description of fictional mental functioning’? Heliodorus against Palmer, Zunshine, & Co.” Style 49/3, 2015: 259-283.
- “Die Tragödien der Shoah.” In: D. Rupnow, I. Roebling-Grau (eds.) “Holocaust”-Fiktion. Kunst jenseits der Authentizität. Munich 2015: 113-131.
- “Social minds and narrative time. Collective experience in Thucydides and Heliodorus.” Narrative 23, 2015: 123-139.
- Together with M. Squire: “‘Counterfeit in character but persuasive in appearance’. Reviewing the ainigma of the Tabula Cebetis.” Classical Philology 109/4, 2014: 285-324.
- “Future past. Time and teleology in (ancient) historiography.” History & Theory 53/3, 2014: 309-330.
- “Time, tense, and temporality in ancient Greek historiography.” In Oxford Handbooks Online: Classical Studies 2014:
- “Das Erzählen in der Kommunikation des Evangeliums. Ein literaturwissenschaftlicher Blick auf Christian Grethleins ‘Praktische Theologie’.” In: M. Domsgen, B. Schröder (eds.) Kommunikation des Evangeliums. Leitbegriff der Praktischen Theologie. Leipzig 2014: 231-246.
- “The value of the past challenged. Myth and ancient history in the attic orators.” In: C. Pieper, J. Kerr (eds.) Valuing the Past in the Greco-Roman World. Proceedings from the Penn Leiden Colloquia on Ancient Values VII. Leiden 2014: 326-354.
- “Theophilos. Edition, introduction, commentary, and translation.” In: H.-J. Gehrke (ed.) Fragmente der griechischen Historiker V. Brill Online 2014.
- “Das homerische Epos als Quelle, Überrest und Monument.” In: O. Dally, T. Hölscher, S. Muth, R. M. Schneider (eds.) Medien der Geschichte - Antikes Griechenland und Rom. Berlin/Boston 2014: 54-73.
- “The many faces of the past in archaic and classical Greece.” In: K. Raaflaub (ed.) Thinking, Recording, and Writing History in the Ancient World. Chichester 2014: 234-255.
- “Choral intertemporality in the Oresteia.” In: M. Hopman, R. Gagne (eds.) Choral Mediations in Greek Tragedy. Cambridge 2013: 78-99.
- “Democracy, oratory, and the rise of historiography in fifth-century Greece.” In: J. P. Arnason, K. Raaflaub, P. Wagner (eds.) The Greek Polis and the Invention of Democracy: A Politico-cultural Transformation and its Interpretations. Chichester 2013: 126-143.
- “The presence of the past in Thucydides.” In: M. Tamiolaki, A. Tsakmakis (eds.) Thucydides’ Techniques. Between Historical Research and Literary Representation. Berlin/Boston 2013: 91-118.
- “Zeit, Erzählung und Raum in Augustins Confessiones.” In: F. Kragl, C. Schneider (eds.) Erzähllogiken in der Literatur des Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit. Heidelberg 2013: 45-69.
- “Von Platon zu Avatar.” Sinn und Form 65/3, 2013: 351-361.
- Together with C. Krebs: “The historian’s plupast. Introductory remarks on its forms and functions.” In: J. Grethlein, C. Krebs (eds.) Time and Narrative in Ancient Historiography. The “Plupast” from Herodotus to Appian. Cambridge 2012: 1-16.
- “Homer and homeric history.” In: J. Marincola, L. Llewellyn-Jones, C. Maciver (eds.) Greek Notions of the Past in the Archaic and Classical Eras. Edinburgh 2012: 14-36.
- “Myth, morals, and metafiction in Jonathan Littel’s Les Bienveillantes.” PMLA 127/1, 2012: 77-93.
- “A slim girl and the fat of the land in Theocritus, id. 10.” CQ 62/2, 2012: 603-617.
- “The use and abuse of history in the Plataean debate (Thuc. 3.52-68).” In: J. Grethlein, C. Krebs (eds.) Time and Narrative in Ancient Historiography. The “Plupast” from Herodotus to Appian. Cambridge 2012: 57-75.
- “Xenophon’s Anabasis from character to narrator.” JHS 132, 2012: 23-40.
- “Die Griechen-Barbaren Dichotomie im Horizont der conditio humana.” Heidelberger Jahrbuch 54: Menschen - Bilder, 2012: 135-147.
- “The flower of virginity between metaphor and metonymy.” In: H. Hatry (ed.) Not a Rose. Milan/New York 2012: 133.
- “Die Fabel.” In: B. Zimmermann (ed.) Handbuch der Altertumswissenschaften. Griechische Literatur. Munich 2011: 321-325.
- “Divine, human, and poetic time in Pindar, Pythian 9.” Mnemosyne 64, 2011: 383-409.
- “Herodot und Xerxes. Meta-Historie in den Historien.” In: R. Rollinger, B. Truschnegg, R. Bichler (eds.) Herodot und das persische Weltreich. Wiesbaden 2011: 103-122.
- “‘Historia magistra vitae’ in Herodotus and Thucydides? The exemplary use of the past and ancient and modern temporalities.” In: A. Lianeri (ed.) The Western Time of Ancient History. Historiographical Encounters with the Greek and Roman Past. Cambridge 2011: 247-263.
- “The rise of Greek historiography and the invention of prose.” In: A. Feldherr (ed.) Oxford History of Historical Writing. Oxford 2011: 148-170.
- “Sandalenfilme aus den Grünbein-Studios? Zum Verhältnis von Antike und Moderne in den Gedichten von Durs Grünbein.” Poetica 43/3-4, 2011: 411-439.
- “Beyond intentional history. A phenomenological model of the idea of history.” In: L. Foxhall, H.-J. Gehrke, N. Luraghi (eds.) Intentional History. Spinning Time in Ancient Greece. Stuttgart 2010: 327-342.
- “Experientiality and narrative reference. With thanks to Thucydides.” History and Theory 49, 2010: 315-335.
- “From imperishable glory to history. The Iliad and the Trojan War.” In: K. Raaflaub, D. Konstan (eds.) Epic and History. London 2010: 122-144.
- Together with A. Rengakos: “Introduction.” In: J. Grethlein, A. Rengakos (eds.) Narratology and Interpretation. The Content of Narrative Form in Ancient Literature. Berlin 2010: 1-11.
- “The narrative reconfiguration of time beyond Ricœur.” Poetics Today 31, 2010: 313-329.
- “‘Narrative Referenz’. Erfahrungshaftigkeit und Erzählung.” In: T. Breyer, D. Creutz (eds.) Erfahrung und Geschichte. Historische Sinnbildung im Pränarrativen. Berlin/New York 2010: 21-39.
- “S. S. officers as tragic heroes? Jonathan Littell’s Les Bienveillantes and the narrative representation of the Shoah.” Style 44, 2010: 566-585.
- “Historisches Fieber.” Ruperta Carola 1/10, 2010: 26-30.
- “Homer – die epische Erinnerung an ‘unvergänglichen Ruhm’.” In: K.-J. Hölkeskamp, E. Stein-Hölkeskamp (eds.) Erinnerungsorte der Antike. Die griechische Welt. Munich 2010: 386-399.
- “How not to do history. Xerxes in Herodotus’ Histories.” AJPh 130, 2009: 195-218.
- “Philosophical and structuralist narratologies – worlds apart?” In: J. Grethlein, A. Rengakos (eds.) Narratology and Interpretation. The Content of Narrative Form in Ancient Literature. Berlin/New York 2009: 153-174.
- “Eine herodoteische Deutung der Sizilischen Expedition (Thuc. 7.87.5f.).” Hermes 136, 2008: 129-142.
- “Memory and material objects in the Iliad and the Odyssey.” JHS 128, 2008: 27-51.
- “Ilias und Odyssee. Anfänge der europäischen Literatur.” In: Zeit der Helden. Die ‘dunklen Jahrhunderte’ Griechenlands 1200-700 v. Chr.. Karlsruhe 2008: 332-339.
- “Diomedes Redivivus. A new reading of Mimnermus fr 14 W2.” Mnemosyne 60, 2007: 102-111.
- “Epic narrative and ritual. The case of the funeral games in the Iliad.” In: A. Bierl, R. Lämmle, K. Wesselmann, C. Auffarth (eds.) Literatur und Religion I. Wege zu einer mythisch-rituellen Poetik bei den Griechen. Berlin/New York 2007: 151-177.
- “The hermeneutics and poetics of memory in Aeschylus’ Persae.” Arethusa 40, 2007: 363-396.
- “The poetics of the bath in the Iliad.” HSCPh 103, 2007: 25-49.
- “Variationen des ‘nächsten Fremden’. Die Perser des Aischylos im 20. Jahrhundert.” Antike und Abendland 53, 2007: 1-20.
- “How old is Nestor?” Eikasmos 17, 2006: 11-16.
- “Individuelle Identität und Conditio Humana. Die Bedeutung und Funktion von GENEH im Blättergleichnis in Il. 6, 146-149.” Philologus 150, 2006: 3-13.
- “The manifold uses of the epic past. The embassy scene in Hdt. 7.153-163.” AJPh 127, 2006: 485-509.
- “Nam quid ea memorem. The dialectical relation of res gestae and memoria rerum gestarum in Sallust’s Bellum Jugurthinum.” CQ 56, 2006: 135-148.
- “The unthucydidean voice of Sallust.” TAPhA 138, 2006: 299-327.
- “Eine Anthropologie des Essens. Der Essensstreit in der Ilias und die Erntemetapher in Il. 19, 221-224.” Hermes 133, 2005: 257-279.
- “Gefahren des λόγος. Thukydides’ Historien und die Grabrede des Perikles.” Klio 87/1, 2005: 41-71.
- “Sophokles und Athen. Überlegungen zum Oidipus auf Kolonos.” Freiburger Universitätsblätter 169, 2005: 47-75.
- “Aeschylus’ Eumenides and legal anthropology.” In: D. Leao (ed.) Nomos. Direito e sociedade na Antiguidade Clássica. Madrid 2004: 113-125.
- “Logográphos und Thuc. 1.21.1.” Prometheus 30, 2004: 209-216.
- “Aesch. Eum. 475.” Philologus 147, 2003: 347-351.
- “Die poetologische Bedeutung des aristotelischen Mitleidbegriffs. Überlegungen zu Nähe und Distanz in der griechischen Tragödie.” Poetica 35, 2003: 41-67.
- “Aesch. Suppl. 498.” Lexis 19, 2001: 171-174.
- “Aesch. Suppl. 946-949.” Lexis 19, 2001: 175-182.
Book Reviews
- “Experience and history – the reach and limits of phenomenological approaches to history. A review essay on David Carr, Experience and History. Phenomenological Perspectives on the Historical World.” History & Theory 58/2, 2019: 302-312.
- “G. A. Gazis, Homer and the Poetics of Hades, Oxford, 2018.” Classical Philology 114/3, 2019: 517-520.
- “D. Bransome, Textual Rivals. Self-Presentation in Herodotus’ Histories, Ann Arbor, 2013.” The American Historical Review, 2015:1088-1089.
- “L.F. Garcia, Homeric Durability. Telling Time in the Iliad, Cambridge, MA, 2013.” AJPh 135/3, 2014: 481-496.
- “B. Dignas, R.R.R. Smith (eds.), Historical and Religious Memory in the Ancient World, Oxford, 2012.” JHS 133, 2013: 222-223.
- “R. Scodel, Epic Facework. Self-presentation and Social Interaction in Homer, Swansea, 2008.” Mnemosyne 64, 2011: 481-485.
- “R. H. Sternberg, Tragedy Offstage. Suffering and Sympathy in Ancient Athens, Austin 2006.” Gnomon 81, 2009: 275-277.
- “C. Traulsen, Das säkulare Asyl in der Alten Welt, Tübingen 2004.” Theologische Literaturzeitung Juni, 2005: 618-620.
- “J. McGlew, Citizens on Stage. Comedy and Political Culture in the Athenian Democracy, Ann Arbor 2002.” Gnomon 76, 2004: 643-645.
- “T. Kindt, H.-H. Müller (eds.), What is Narratology? Questions and Answers Regarding the Status of a Theory, Berlin/New York 2003.” iaslonline, 2004.
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