Lets talk seals!

Ii3 290 1




The Cut Style...


New finds/Seals not in the CMS

Several seals from Zominthos, Crete...


New Publications

J. Crowley. 2024. IKON. Art and Meaning in Aegean Seal Images ...


Other News

Problems with the access to the CMS Databases in Arachne...



Publication of new finds

In the last 30 years, a considerable number of new seals (over 1500) which haven't yet been included in the CMS series have come to light in the Aegean. At the moment we are working towards the publication in the CMS Series of all seals that are kept at the Archaeological Museum of Heraklion and have not yet been included in it. A large part of the work for the publication of this material took place in the frames of the project Minoische Siegelglyptik zwischen corpusartiger Erfassung und 3D-Forensik. Eine multidisziplinäre Dokumentation von 900 unpublizierten Siegeln aus dem Archäologischen Museum von Heraklion which was funded by the DFG.

Here are two resolutions of the academic community expressing the importance of the continuation of the work of the CMS: Cretological Congress 2006, DAIS 2008.


Editor: Email
Latest Revision: 2023-07-30
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