Outreach 2020
17.12. | Visual Strategies in Late Classical Greek Sculpture and Theatre Architecture: The Interplay of Frontality and Multiperspectivity, and the Hierarchized Space | Giessen, Justus-Liebig-Universität. Virtual Workshop "Visuality and Perception in the Green World. The Late Classical and Hellenistic Periods." | Nikolaus Dietrich |
16.12. | Dirkes schlaffer Thyrsos-Stab und die Kunst der Plinthe am "Farnesischen Stier" | Abteilung Klassische Archäologie, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Archäologisches Kolloquium | Arne Reinhardt |
10.11. | Pompeii's graffiti: new approaches | Online-Vortrag, Journée d'étude "Le graffiti, un nouvel objet patrimonial?", Université Paris Est-Créteil | Polly Lohmann |
05.06. | Diverging trends in Roman architectural terracottas: Some thoughts on "Campana plaques" and terracotta façades (Sichtziegel) regarding colour and typical semantics | International Colloquium Materiality as DECOR: Aesthetics, Semantics and Function. 3-6 June 2020, CAU Kiel | Arne Reinhardt |
28.05. | When species meet in the Aegean Bronze Age. Human-animal encounters in seal imagery and beyond | Keynote lecture at the 18th International Aegean Conference "ZOIA. Animal Connections in the Aegean Middle and Late Bronze Age", University of Austin at Texas, 28.-31.05.2020 | Diamantis Panagiotopoulos |
08.05. | ‘Primus war hier’. Überlegungen zu Zeitebenen im Wohnhaus am Beispiel pompejanischer Graffiti. | Online-Workshop „Temporalität und die antike Stadt“, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster | Polly Lohmann |
04.-25.03. | The Archaeological/Architectural Interace. Towards and Integrated Approach for Studying and Modelling Urban and Non-Urban Landscapes | Lecture series at the Erasmus+ Joint Master Programme "Architecture - Landscape - Archaeology", Polytechnical University of Athens | Diamantis Panagiotopoulos |
19.01. | Islands of the Winds. The Maritime Cultures of the Bronze Age Aegean | Opening of the exhibition at the Mesara Museum (Crete) under the auspices of the Heraklion Ephorate of Antiquities and the Institute of Classical Archaeology and Byzantine Archaeology, University of Heidelberg | Diamantis Panagiotopoulos |
Outreach 2018 | Outreach 2019 | Outreach 2021 | Outreach 2022 | Outreach 2023 | Aktuell
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