Prof. Dr. Thomas Maissen | Research
Research foci
Current research projects
Concluded research projects
Research foci 
- History of historiography
- History of political thought
- History of mentalities
- Views of History
- Swiss History
- History of education
Current research projects 
Spokesman: Prof. Dr. Thomas Maissen
Project of the Opus Magnum Initiative of the Volkswagenstiftung
Prof. Dr. Thomas Maissen
Concluded research projects 
- "The Fascination of Efficiency: Migrating Ideas and Emerging
Bureaucraciesin Europe and Asia since the Early Modern Era"
Project A4 in the Exzellenzcluster "Asia and Europe in a Global Context: Shifting Asymmetries in Cultural
Researcher: Sebastian Meurer
Junior Research Group Leader: Dr. Susan Richter
- El Papel de las Repúblicas Europeas en la Conformación del Estado Moderno. ¿Alternativa Modernizadora o Motor del Sistema? (Siglos XVI-XVIII)"
Researcher: Urte Weeber
Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Thomas Maissen
- Übergänge. Die Bedeutung und Funktion von transitorischen Räumen (1400-1800)
Project in the framework of the Innovationsfonds Frontier of the Exzellenzinitiative
Project manager: Prof. Dr. Thomas Maissen, Dr. Daniel Jütte
- "Nationising the Dynasty. Asymmetrical Flows in Conception of Government"
Projekt A5 im Exzellenzcluster "Asia and Europe in a Global Context: Shifting Asymmetries in Cultural Flows"
Researcher: Verena Gander
Project manager: Prof. Dr. Thomas Maissen
- "Dynamic Asymmetries in Transcultural Flows at the Intersection of
Asia and Europe: The Case of the Early Modern Ottoman Empire"
Project A7 in the Exzellenzcluster "Asia and Europe in a Global Context: Shifting Asymmetries in a Global Context"
Researchers: Pascal Firges, Tobias Graf
Project manager: Prof. Dr. Thomas Maissen
- The Devolopment of Citizenship in a Transcultural Context
Project A11 in the Exzellenzcluster "Asia and Europe in a Global Context: Shifting Asymmetries in a Global Context"
Project manager: Prof. Dr. Thomas Maissen
- "Liberalism and Republicanism in Early Modern Europe: Concepts of Citizenship as a usable Past
for today's Israeli-European Civic Dialogue"
Cooperation of the ZEGK with the German Israeli Foundation of Scientific Research and Development and Haifa University
Researchers: Elisabeth Natour, Urte Weeber, Antoinette Saxer, Christine Zabel
Project managers: Prof. Dr. Thomas Maissen and Prof. Fania Oz-Salzberger (Haifa)
- "Das Konzert der Medien in der Vormoderne - Gruppenbildung & Performanz"
Regional doctoral college (Landespromotionskolleg) of the ZEGK and the ZAW
Spokesman: Prof. Dr. Thomas Maissen