Thirteenth Century Conference XX - Programm

'England and Germany. Economic, Social and Personal Connections and Comparisons', Internationales Wissenschaftsforum Heidelberg (IWH), Heidelberg, 14−15 September 2023.



Thursday, 14 September

9.00-9.10: Jörg Peltzer, Heidelberg/Norwich: Welcome

Chair: Nicholas Vincent, Norwich

9.10-10.10: Long-term Economic Developments: A European perspective:

Bruce Campbell, Belfast: ‘National and international perspectives on the long economic slowdown of the long thirteenth century’

10.10-10.55: Louise Wilkinson, Lincoln: ‘“In Her Two Children the Memory of the Parent Survives”: Isabella of England and her Children by Frederick II’


10.55-11.15: Tea Break


11.15-12.35: Diplomacy:

John Marshall, Dublin: ‘Two Birds with the One Stone? International Relations and Comital Rehabilitation in the 1227 English Diplomatic Mission to Antwerp’

Björn Weiler, Aberystwyth: ‘Merchants, knights and monks: a social history of Anglo-German relations, c. 1225-1257’

12.35-13.20: Tony Moore, Reading: ‘Henry III and the Knights of Burgundy’


13.15-14.00: Lunch break (IWH)


Excursion to Heidelberg Castle



Friday, 15 September:

Chair: Romedio Schmitz-Esser, Heidelberg

9:00-10:00: Rural Economy:

Mark Bailey, Norwich: ‘The Theory and Practice of Serfdom in England c.1300’

10:00-10.45: Henry Summerson, London: ‘Law and Disorder in Thirteenth-Century England: Some Continental Dimensions’


10.45-11.05: Tea Break


11.05-11:50: Christina Bröker, Paderborn: ‘Writing the Anger of Emperor Frederick and Henry III (of England): Common Perceptions of a Ruler’s Emotional Behaviour in Different Realms?’

11:50-12.35: Alexander Peplow, Oxford: ‘English History for Imperial Ears: Gervase of Tilbury’s Account of the English kings in his Otia Imperalia


12.35-14.00: Lunch break (IWH)


Chair: Nikolas Jaspert, Heidelberg

14.00-15.20: Towns:

Eliza Hartrich, Norwich: ‘The Mind and Memory of a Community: Urban Record-Keeping and the Question of Civic Identity in England and Ireland’

Hannah Nüllen, Halle: ‘Making the ‘Stadtbuch’. The Emergence of Record-Keeping in German Speaking Towns’

15.20-16.05: Adrian Jobson, Norwich: ‘A Road Less Travelled? The Anglo-German Itineraries of Richard of Cornwall’


16.05-16.25: Tea Break


16.25-17.10: Thomas Smith, Rugby: ‘The Manuscript Tradition of Oliver of Cologne’s Historia Damiatina in Thirteenth-Century England: Anglo-German Connections and the Crusading Movement’

17.10: Nicholas Vincent, Norwich: Farewell



Registration until 15th September 2023 under





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