With the friendly support
of the DFG (German Research Council)

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG

We are all Astronauts

Banner Astronauts

Vincent Fournier: General Boris V., Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center (GCTC), Star City, Zvyozdny Gorodok, Russia, 2007
(Courtesy of Vincent Fournier)

The Image of the Space Traveller in Arts and Media

“We are all astronauts“, the American architect and thinker Richard Buckminster Fuller wrote in his 1968 book “Operating Manual For Spaceship Earth“ where he compared Earth to a spaceship, provided only with exhaustible resources while flying through space.

The phrase is on the one hand a hint, which position the phenomenon of the astro- and the cosmonaut had in the public conscience from the second half of the 20th century on; on the other hand the wording might have played a significant role itself in shaping the space-exploring human as a symbol and an image of humankind in general.

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The event is free of charge. For organisational reasons we however ask to, please, register in advance via e-mail to k.lau@zegk.uni-heidelberg.de or via mail to

Katharina Lau M.A.
Universität Heidelberg
ZEGK - Institut für Europäische Kunstgeschichte
Seminarstraße 4
69117 Heidelberg

Thank you!


Editor: Web Administrator
Latest Revision: 2018-05-26
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