As spelled out in the NATCOOP data management plan, the research data collected during the project is stored and curated in the heiDATA repository. The data in the dataverse is the global dataset of the NATCOOP project, covering all field trips. The data to replicate results of specific publications (on subsets of this data) are accessible in the way that is described in the respective journal articles.
The NATCOOP data is FAIR:
- It is findable, namely under the doi: 10.11588/data/GV8NBL.
- It is accessible: the data is anonymized so that anyone can access and use it. We provide a sample analysis script in the open-source language R and an accompanying video tutorial in the dataverse. The video is on youtube:
- It is inter-operable: The data is stored in common csv format and we provide a comprehensive codebook, as well as survey scripts and screenshots of key choice frames. Furthermore, there is a detailed description of the background relating to the collection of the data, which you can also access here.
- It is re-usable: All data is assigned the creative commons licence "CC-BY"