
Chair of Economic Theory

Prof. Jörg Oechssler, Ph.D.




"The conditional contribution mechanism for repeated public goods - The general caseJournal of Economic Theory, 2022 (with Andreas Reischmann and Andis Sofianos).


"Measuring Skill and Chance in Games", European Economic Review Volume 127, August 2020 (with Peter Duersch and Marco Lambrecht). 


"Copy Trading"Management Science Volume 66 (12), December 2020, Pages 5485-6064 (with Jose Apesteguia and Simon Weidenholzer). 


"Hedging, Ambiguity, and the Reversal of Order Axiom", Games and Economic Behavior  Volume 117, September 2019, Pages 380-387 (with Hannes Rau and Alex Roomets).


"Managerial bonuses and subordinate mistreatment",  European Economic Review  Volume 119, October 2019, Pages 509-525 (with Nikos Nikiforakis and Anwar Shah).





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Latest Revision: 2023-02-02
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