DoktorandInnen Website
DoktorandInnen am Lehrstuhl
Sebastian Cujai
Asaf Alibegovic´
Juhee Jeong
Mehdi Sejdiu
Abgeschlossene Doktorarbeiten:
Cujai, Sebastian (2023): Warum entscheiden sich Staatsführer zur Eskalation eines zwischenstaatlichen Konfliktes? Ein Beitrag zur Erklärung konfrontativer Deutungsroutinen
Zettl-Schabath, Kerstin (2022): Proxys im staatlichen Cyberkonfliktaustrag: Eine vergleichende Analyse der VR China, Russlands, der USA und Israels
Lujic, Tijana (2022): Of Times Ontologically Insecure: Ontological Security Seeking and Types of Bilateral Migration Agreements
Vetrovcova, Martina (2021): Visegrad Countries in the European Union: ‚Return to Europe‘ – And Leaving it Again?
Ritthaler-Andree, Ronja (2020): Climate Justisce and Climate Protection Policy: Negotiation position of Major Emitting Countries (USA, PRC, India) during the Post-Kyoto Process from a Comparative Perspective
Liu, Luxin (2020): Relative Gains Seeking, Policy Lessons and the Sino-US Relationship
Steiger, Stefan (2020): German and British Cyber Security Policies in Comparison: A Role Theoretical Analysis
Friedrichs, Gordon (2019): Polarized at home, bound to lead abroad: The U.S. Global Leadership Role and Domestic Polarization.
Jungmann, Maximilian (2019): Climate Change and Public Health - Regime Types, Perception Patterns and Policy Responses in International Comparison
Perkuhn, Josie-Marie (2019): VR China und internationale Organisationen
Sunik, Anna (2018): Monarchic Peace? Foreign Policy and Ingroup Identity of Middle East Monarchies
Mayer, Eva-Maria (2016): U.S. Government in Times of Crisis. How Securitization shaped Congressonal Behavior after 9/11.
Schleich, Caja (2016): Inter-institutionelle Kooperation von EU und NATO: Ein Vergleich der Konfliktmanagementmissionen im Kosovo und in Afghanistan [zur Publikation]
Panel, Sophie (2015): Conflict dynamics in democratic and autocratic regimes, 1946-2008
Kirchner, Magdalena (2014): Why States Rebel. Understanding State Sponsorship Terrorism [zur Publikation]
Uther, Stephanie (2013): Diskurse des Climate Engineering: Argumente, Akteure und Koalitionen in der Debatte um klimamodifizierende Technologien in Großbritannien und der Bundesrepublik Deutschland [zur Publikation]
Baumann, Max-Otto (2012): Humanitäre Interventionen und sozialstruktureller Wandel in der internationalen Politik
Wolf, Raimund (2011): Democratic Armament? US-Democracy and Military Innovation during Periods of Transition
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Doktoranden-Workshop "Rollentheorie"