
UNIFY - Unit for Family, Diversity & Equality

Hauptstraße 126
69117 Heidelberg
Phone: + 49 6221 54-7697

Family-friendly university
Equal opportunities and diversity
Charta der Vielfalt
MHFA first-aiders



Are you the first person in your family to study at a university? Would you like to get to know the university better and find out what the work of academics entails? Then apply now for our New Potentials Programme! We support students from non-academic families in getting to know the university environment better. 


  • job as a student assistant at your institute for two semesters 
  • personal mentoring from experienced academics 
  • regular exchange with other participants in the programme 
  • further education programmes on diversity topics with certificates of participation


  • willingness to accept a student assistant job for two semesters
  • commitment to regular meetings with your mentor
  • reliable participation in networking meetings and further education programmes 


UNIFY - Diversity Management  
Marie-Claire Kabengele:   
Annika Werner:  

The programme is aimed at Bachelor students from the 3rd semester onwards. 
Programme start: winter semester 2024. Further information on events and the dates of the training courses can be found at UNIFY. 


Apply by 30th June 2024 with a short letter of motivation that also highlights your non-academic background, your CV and a current transcript of records at

Further information can be found here. 


Online Tutorial on "Gender in Education" 

The HSE Heidelberg, UNIFY and the Chair of Economic and Social History are pleased to announce the release of the new tutorial on gender in teacher education. 

For more information, visit the HSE website

AntiRa and AntiDis invite you: Festival contre la racisme 2024 

From the May 13th to May 17th, the student-organized "Festival centre le racisme" 2024 (FCLR) will take place once again. Valuable workshops, readings, and events featuring interesting guests will be offered. 

More information and the program here

Guides wanted and open consultation hour 

For GUIDE, we are currently seeking individuals interested in becoming guides and offer an open consultation hour about GUIDE and the guides concept. Specific inquiries about GUIDE and the concept can be addressed here, such as questions about the application process, training sessions, or responsibilities as guides.

Simply join via ZOOM at the following times and ask your questions. 

  • Tuesday, May 14th, 1.00 PM - 2.00 PM 
  • Wednesday, May 22th, 9.00 AM - 10.00 AM
  • Tuesday, May 28th, 5.00 PM - 6.00 PM 

ZOOM access details for all events:

Meeting ID: 829 9911 3097
Passcode: 044520

The application phase for the heiTRACKS mentoring program begins now! 

A unique opportunity for aspiring PhD researchers from all disciplines!

The door to the heiTRACKS mentoring program is now open, tailored for those pursuing an academic career. The deadline for applications is set for June 15th, so secure your spot! This one-year program, starting in October, offers approximately 15 PhD researchers the exclusive opportunity for personalized guidance from experienced mentors, along with a diverse networking and qualification program. Don't miss our online information sessions on May 6th and 24th to learn more and ask your questions. 


Join us as mentor duos in the New Potentials Programm! 

Are you seeking an exciting opportunity to share your expertise and support young talents from non-academic backgrounds? Then you're in the right place! 

The New Potentials Program is looking for committed professors and academic staff who wish to participate as mentor duos. 

Why participate? 

  • Support promising young talents on their journey 
  • Share your expertise and experiences 
  • Build long-term relationships with participants 
  • Receive funding for a student assistant position over two semesters (Winter semester 24/24 and summer semester 25) 

What do we offer?

  • A unique opportunity to support young talents from non-academic backgrounds
  • The chance to be part of a dynamic mentor duo 
  • Flexible collaboration options
  • Funding over two semesters to establish sustainable relationships 

Application deadline: May 31, 2024

Interested? Apply now as mentor duos for the New Potentials Program! 

Feel free to catnap us for any questions and submit your application to: oder 

"Strong Woman have many faces" 
Seminar on Self-worth, Assertion, and Self-care 

Women experience various forms of aggression - from ignorance and harassment to rape. The aim of this seminar is to recognize these forms of aggression early on in each situation, to protect oneself accordingly, or to successfully fend them off. Taking into account women's lived experiences, the seminar aims to consciously perceive and experience one's own strengths and potentials. "Strong Women have many faces"

Methods: Perception exercises, breathing and voice exercises, body language, easy-to-learn self-defense techniques, excises on setting boundaries, perpetrators and their strategies, role-playing, and information on the topic.

Time: May 13/14th (each day from 6.9pm) 
Location: Das PARITÄTISCHE Heidelberg, Poststraße 11/ Ecke Kurfürsten-Anlage
Cost: None, donations welcome 
Registration: At least 5 working days before the course starts, email to 

Seminar Leader: Aljona Belevic (Special Education Teacher, Assertiveness, Self-Defense Trainer) 
Group Size: 8-12 Participants 

Language and Culture of a Minority: German Sign Language and its Cultural Community 

The perception of sign language has changed in recent decades. Also due to intensive linguistic research, it has become clear that it is not merely a "Physical mode of communication", but full-fledged languages. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2024 
2.00 to 3.00 pm
Introductory Course in German Sign Language (for hearing individuals) 

3.30 to 5.00pm 
Lecture on the Cultural Community of Deaf People

Mathematikon Conference Room (5th Floor) 


The lecture will be interpreted from German Sign Language to spoken German and vice versa. 

HeiPOD - Let's talk: Medical studies with a child

In the latest episode of the Study Advisory Podcast, Susanne shares her daily life balancing childcare, studying and hospital duties - and why she chose to become a mother during her studies. For those in similar situations, Evelyn Kuttikattu offers help and provides background information in this episode.

You can download the episode and find further information here

(The Podcast is in German) 

1st Gender and Diversity Lunch Talk 

DivINe – Diversity in Neurooncology - present status and future vision
Wednesday, May 15 2024, 12:00 -1:00 pm, online

speaker: Dr. Martha Nowosielski 


The Gender & Diversity Lunch Talk Series is a joint initiative of all medical Collaborative Research Centers (CRCs) of Heidelberg University. In this series, you will have the opportunity to hear presentations with a focus on gender equality and diversity and to engage in an exchange with the speakers and scientists from different disciplines. The overall aim of this series is to further promote a gender equal, diverse and inclusive environment in our organisations and research initiatives. 

Please register before you join the meeting:


More information you can find here. 


IFiF-Impulses: Lectures in the Summer Semester 2024

In the online lecture series IFiF-Impulses, female scientists from different disciplines shed light on the visibility of innovative women.
Lectures will be held in German. 

The lectures take place from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm via WebEx. Participation is open and free for all interested. 

Registration for the lectures via this form and further information here.

Diversity in medicine: historical and ethical perspectives 

events organised by the Institute for the History and Ethics of Medicine in the summer semester 2024

Bild 2

Social processes of "othering", the production of the "other", have shaped medicine in its historical development - and medicine has shaped them. And even today, health norms determine and legitimise categories of difference and vice versa: women, people of colour, LGBTIQ*, people with disabilities and those affected by poverty are disadvantaged in medical care because of the "otherness" attributed to them. As part of our institute's lecture series, aspects of diversity will be examined in several lectures from the perspectives of gender history, psychiatry and psychotherapy, public health and disability history. 

The dates of the events are:

30 April 2024: Persecution of homosexual men under National Socialism before and after 1945

28 Mai 2024: Racism, racial discrimination and (mental) health

11 June 2024: Ableism in the medical context - on the effectiveness of ideas of ability in medical science

2 July 2024: Transgender in medical care


The events will take place online (via Zoom) at 18:15 pm. Registration is not required.

Zoom access data for all events:

Meeting ID: 685 2845 2549
Passwort: IGEM-HD

More information you can find here.


Heidelberg Researchers present work on women-loving women*

On April 3rd, starting at 7:00 PM, the booklet for the research project "Lesbian* Lifeworld in the German Southwest" will be presented at the Intercultural Center Heidelberg. (More information here)

The booklet can be downloaded here independently of participating in the program. 

(Booklet and presentation are in German.) 


Online Lecture: "Happy Fatherhood: Work-Life Balance from a Father's Perspective"

Thursday, 18th April, 12. - 13.30 
Speaker: Volker Baisch (lecture will be held in German

55 percent of fathers, according to the new 2023 Fathers Report, wish for more time with their children and family, and 40 percent of fathers are even considering reducing their working hours. Many fathers now aspire to better balance family and employment responsibilities, often wondering how to leverage their newfound flexibility for a relaxed family life and to benefit their children. Recent research indicates that fathers significantly influence their children's self-esteem and resilience from the very beginning. This interactive lecture will explore how this influence works and identify key moments when fathers are particularly crucial in their children's lives. Additionally, attendees will discover strategies for finding and implementing a suitable work-life balance approach tailored to their individual needs from the outset.

More information and registration here.
Contact: I +49 6221 54-7697

Freedom from and Freedom to?

The equal opportunity commissioner Prof. Dr. Christiane Schwieren is considering, as part of the Science Year 2024, how promoting diversity and equality at the university leads to better research. (written in German) 

"Frauenförderung und Diversitätsförderung ermöglichen freie Wissenschaft!"


Lunch & Learn 

"Let's care about money"
Annika Peters, Marion Schöndorf and Prof. Dr. Christine Laudenbach are giving three presentations on the theme of financial self-care and independence. With a diverse academic background and training in financial management, these three experts focus on women in financial planning and other interesting issues.
 There is no registration required and the presentations will be held on Zoom. (Zoomlink

Annika Peters: "Pension Planning and the Gender Pension Gap for woman" (6th March, 12pm to 1.30 pm)

Marion Schöndorf: "Money or Love - Finances in the partnership" (13th March, 12pm to 1.30pm) 

Prof. Dr. Christine Laudenbach : "Investing with confidence: Women and the capital market" (12pm to 1.30pm) 

The Presentations will be held in German. 


Girls'Day 2024 

The Girs'Day 2024 will take place on Thursday, April 25th. As part of the MINTmachen! initiative, the Institute for Computer Science, the Institute for Technical Computer Science, the Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing, and the institute for Mathematics offer a diverse range of activities. With a lecture and workshops on the topics of mathematics and computer science, the initiative will provide you with insights into the work of scientists from 9.00am to 2.00pm. As with all MINTmachen! activities, you can actively participate and try out many things. The events of our Girls'Day are aimed at female students in grades 5-10, depending on the workshop. 

More information and registration here.

Meeting point and time: 9.00 am to 2.00 pm (registration starts at 8.00am), Im Neuenheimer Feld 205

International Women's Day: Live-Session "Behind Sciences" 

Behind Science International Women S Day 2024

In continuation of the "Women in Science" series, SFB1225 ISOQUANT invites to a special public event on the occasion of International Women's Day on March 8, 2024 at 6:00 PM: Science journalists Marie Eickhoff and Luisa Pfeiffenschneider from the podcast "Behind Science" will present exciting stories behind the inventions and discoveries of female physicists from different generations in a live session. Following this, in a moderated discussion with active female scientists from our faculty, we will collectively discuss the role, impact, and perception of women scientists and researchers in history and the present. After the event, there will be an opportunity for debates over drinks and snacks.

March 8, 2024, 6:00 PM
Lecture Hall 2, Kirchhoff Institute for Physics, Im Neuenheimer Feld 226, 69120 Heidelber

Moderator: Dr. Lisa Ringena
Invited Guests: Prof. Dr. Belina von Krosigk (Kirchhoff Institute for Physics) Dr. Sanam Vardag (Institute for Environmental Physics) Dr. Dominika Wylezalek (Center for Astronomy/Astronomical Computing Institute)

Admission is free, and the event is open to the public. The live podcast and moderated discussion will be held in German.

Digital Lunchtalk: Transgressive activities in the context of higher education

 Grenzüberschreitungen Final

Transgressive behavior and misconduct can also occur in the academic context of study, research, and work.
Dr. Heike Pantelmann (FU Berlin) and Dr. Victoria Striewe (#metooscience) discuss with Prof. Dr. Christiane Schwieren (Equal Opportunities Commissioner of Ruperto Carola) from a scientific, counseling, and affected perspective. The system for professional handling of conflicts and misconduct demonstrates how effective solutions can be found at Heidelberg University now and in the future. Possible approaches are addressed by Ute Pfründer, Central Contact Point

Zoom Link:
Access code: 433066
Participation via Zoom is possible without registration. 

"International Day of Women and Girls in Science"

The "International Day of Women and Girls in Science" was established by the United Nations in 2015 and takes place every year on 11 February. To mark this day of action and as part of the nationwide campaign of the Meta-IFiF meta project, the Heidelberg Olympia Morata Programme Fellows were invited to submit their statement on the question "What does freedom in science mean to you?".

The Meta-IFiF campaign refers to the Science Year 2024, which has the theme "Freedom". Here you can see the result of the entire campaign as a picture gallery with all the statements on the topic of academic freedom. 38 people from 16 projects from the "Innovative Women in Focus" funding guideline took part.

The Meta-IFiF project is based at the Competence Centre for Technology, Diversity and Equal Opportunities and is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. UNIFY is involved in this meta-project with a research project in cooperation with the Chair of Organisational Behaviour at the Alfred Weber Institute for Economics and hei_INNOVATION.

Here you can find the picture gallery of various women in science at Heidelberg University.


Online lecture as part of the Equal Care Day Festival 2024


"From breadwinner to carer? A historical look at the care work of (grand)fathers"

Thursday, 29 February 2024, 2-4 pm

Moderation: Prof. Katja Patzel-Mattern

Speakers: Dr Gina Fuhrich and Hannah Schultes

The Equal Care Day festival will take place across Germany on 29 February 2024. Heidelberg University will also be taking part with an online lecture and subsequent discussion. Historians Dr Gina Fuhrich and Hannah Schultes will be speaking from 2 to 4 p.m. on the topic "From breadwinner to carer? A historical look at the care work of (grand)fathers".

Further information on the lecture and registration can be found here.
Contact: I +49 6221 54-7697

Gender Diversity and Equality  

Wednedday, 7th February 2024, Hörsaal 1 Neue Universität, 17-19 pm

A lecture by Prof Dr Ulrike Lembke followed by a discussion 

UNIFY invites you to the lecture on "Gender Diversity and Equality". The speaker will be Prof Dr Ulrike Lembke, Public Law and Gender Studies at the Humboldt University of Berlin. The lecture will be supplemented by short contributions from Prof Dr Marc-Philippe Weller (Vice-Rector for International Affairs and Diversity), Prof Dr Christiane Schwieren (Equal Opportunities Officer at Ruperto Carola), Charlotte von Knobelsdorff (Head of UNIFY) and Dr Marie-Luise Löffler (Equal Opportunities Officer of the City of Heidelberg).


Queer study day at the Faculty of Theology

09th and 10th January 2024

Tuesday 6 pm – 8 pm lecture with:  

  • Prof. Dr. Andreas Krebs

Wednesday 3 pm – 6 pm workshop with:

  • Prof. Dr. Jessica Coblentz
  • M.Ed. Mara Klein
  • Pfr. Nulf Schade-James

Further information can be found here.


Lunch-Talk Digital: Diversity in Subject Matter/s

Ankündigen Lunchtalk Final


Zoom Link:
Kenncode: 767301

There is no registration, so you can participate directly via Zoom. 


Workshop "Intercultural sensitization for students"

13th November 2023, 8.30 am - 9.30 am OR 5-6pm, online 
20th  November 2023, 9.15 am – 12 am OR 3.15 pm–5 pm, Seminarstraße 2, room 175

Speaker: Kristina Förster, M.A. certified trainer for intercultural qualification at universities (HU Berlin)

"Intercultural competence" is a broad and sometimes somewhat fuzzy concept, which we will reflect on together in this workshop, guided by theory, and relate to different areas of student experience. One's own perspectives and perceptions play an important role in this process, as they significantly shape assumptions, actions, and evaluations - for example, regarding teaching/learning culture. For this reason, this workshop will provide an opportunity for individual and collective reflection.

Further information on the workshop and registration can be found here.


Workshop "Gender and Diversity Awareness in Teaching"

Saturday, 11th and 18th October 2023 from 9.00 am-13.00 pm, online

Speaker: Melanie Bittner, freelance trainer for gender, diversity and anti-discrimination culture

Student diversity is part of the reality of everyday university life. This is also related to experiences of discrimination and privilege in social structures of inequality. What does this mean for your teaching? How can you create a space through your attitude, communication and choice of methods that takes into account the diversity of students and enables good learning for all?

The workshop includes theoretical basics on the topic as well as concrete application ideas. Case studies will be used to practice reflecting on challenging situations and to discuss strategies for action.

Further information on the workshop and registration can be found here.


Symposium "What Women Research - A Scientific Kaleidoscope"

Tuesday, 10th November 2023, HCA, University of Heidelberg, 10:30 am-16:30 pm 

Lectures and award ceremony of the Maria Gräfin von Linden Prize.

Registration and programme can be found here.


Nobel Prize for Equality

A world premiere, we congratulate Professor Claudia Goldin, US economist at Harvard University

She receives the prize for her research on uncovering "the most important causes of gender differences in the labour market". This makes her the third woman to receive the Nobel Prize in Economics for her research. Here is a commentary by the university's Equal Opportunities Officer and economist Professor Christiane Schwieren.


Brief seminar "General Equal Treatment Act and Protection against Discrimination

Friday, 13th October 2023, 10.00-11.00 am, digital

Speaker: Dr. Vanessa Adam, lawyer for labour and higher education law at the German University Association (Deutscher Hochschulverband)

The seminar deals with the legal basics on the following topics: 

  • General Equak Treatment Act and Protection against Discrimination (Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz, AGG)
  • Basics of protection against discrimination in employment
  • AGG and universities
  • Rights for those affected by discrimination
  • Protection against mobbing

The event is primarily aimed at people with management responsibility. The maximum number of participants is 25 persons. 

Registration and zoom link via

Lunchtalk Neurodiversity - Insights and characteristics of ADHD, high sensitivity and
neurodivergent needs

Wednesday, 11.10.2023 at 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.Katharina Schön Werbebild

Neurodiversity is increasingly in the spotlight when it comes to diversity at universities. Especially when dealing with neurodivergent people, there is often a lack of knowledge about the special features neurodiversity brings with it. In order to provide initial orientation for employees what neurodiversity actually means, which no-go's should be avoided and how communication can support this, UNIFY is offering a lunchtalk with Katharina Schön (psychological trainer and neurodivergent herself) as part of the health week for employees. The event is aimed at all employees of the university.

Click here to register.



Neurodiversity and study: insights and characteristics of ADHD, high sensitivity and
neurodivergent needs

Thursday, 12/10/2023 at 10am to 11am.

Many different people meet during studies and thus also different ways of thinking and learning. As part of the Health Week for Students, UNIFY is offering a lecture by Katharina Schön (psychological trainer and neurodivergent herself), who will look at the different prerequisites of neurodivergent students, draw attention to mental health challenges and provide helpful ideas for inclusive cooperation in everyday university life. The event is aimed at all students at the university.

Event link:   
Meeting ID: 859 4063 2905
Identifier code: 399627

How do we achieve non-discriminatory teaching?

Ernst-Robert-Curtius-Saal at the Romanisches Seminar
Seminarstraße 3, Heidelberg


Racism is deeply rooted in social structures and thus also in education, although many people, including teachers, would describe themselves as anti-racist.
In the interleaving seminar "Teaching Critical of Racism and Sexism" by Dr. Ute von Kahlden and PD Dr. Giulia Pelillo-Hestermeyer, student teachers dealt with cultural studies theoretical approaches as well as analytical tools that make less conspicuous forms of discrimination and violence visible in everyday culture and communication. In addition, cultural studies approaches were used in constructivist learning contexts in subject didactics - especially for teaching Spanish.

Based on the results of the seminar, the students want to discuss in the panel discussion together with Theresia Bauer and Prof. Dr. Havva Engin to what extent the teacher training programme for all subjects should include such cultural studies approaches in order to interrupt latent discrimination in everyday school life.

The event is aimed in particular at student teachers, teachers, lecturers and experts from the field of education, but parents, pupils and people who experience sexism and racism in their everyday lives are also welcome.

First anniversary of the parent-child offices "KIDS" by STRUCTURES and SFB1225 ISOQUANT

kidsOn Wednesday, 14 June 2023, the celebration of the first anniversary of the parent-child offices by STRUCTURES and SFB1225 ISOQUANT took place. Interested people as well as families and children were cordially invited to a cosy afternoon with coffee and cake. This special occasion was used to celebrate the successful project together, to open the premises to everyone once again and to give parents and children the opportunity to get to know each other and to network. You can find more information about the project here.

2023 Re-auditing of the University of Heidelberg

The University of Heidelberg has been certified as a "family-friendly university" since 2010. This year, it successfully applied for this certificate from "berufundfamilie" for the fifth time. The certificate is awarded to universities that gear their human resources policy and the design of the working environment for employees, academics and students towards ensuring that the compatibility of family, career and studies can be guaranteed to the greatest possible extent.

Closure of the day care centre INF 159

The INF 159 day care centre will close on 31 December 2025. Heidelberg University has 20 nursery places for its employees in this facility. It is important to know that the places that the University has had in the INF 159 day care centre up to now will not be discontinued from 2026, but will be transferred entirely to the Humboldtstraße 17 day care centre from 1 January 2026. This means that the university will retain all its nursery places. There will be no admission freeze. All affected parents, teachers, etc. have already been informed. The Studierendenwerk and the Family Service will accompany and advise all parents individually during this transition. During this transition, new contracts for the Kita INF 159 will initially only be concluded until 31 December 2025. For children who are still in kindergarten beyond this period, the UNIFY Family Service will work with the Studierendenwerk to find a good solution for continued care until they start school.

New podcast episode:

A conversation with Dr. Frank Reuter

Podcast IconIn the 9th episode, after a longer break on the occasion of Diversity Day 2023, we are talking to Dr. Frank Reuter, head of the Antiziganism Research Unit at the Historical Seminar in Heidelberg, about the question of why there was no real "Stunde Null" after the Nazi era and why a deeply rooted antiziganist enemy image still exists today as a construct of the dominant society.



Lunchtalk series: 

LET‘S TALK ABOUT MONEY - Equal financial opportunities for women

On the occasion of the campaign days "Equal Pay Day" (March 7th 2023) and International Women's Day (March 8th 2023), we invite you to a digital lunch talk:

6.03.23, 12:00 pm: Money biographies and financial self-determination. Lecture and reading with Dr. Birgit Happel


13.03.23  12 pm: Join us on the stock market trip! Lecture and Q&A with Dr. Roberta Schmieder


Seminar: "Rights and obligations in gender equality issues at universities" (digital)

March 16th 2023, 9:00 am - 4:14 pm 

The lawyers of the DHV, Dr. Vanessa Adam and Dr. In the seminar, Juliane Lorenz will give you a comprehensive overview of the most important legal framework for the implementation of gender equality tasks at universities. Please register at


MuT event "Application workshop - from the project idea to the finished application text"

March 23rd & 24th 2023 (Location: study house Wiesneck)

In addition to the question of what makes a successful application in terms of form and structure, you will learn to anticipate the perspective of the reviewers. In the practical part, you have the opportunity to advance the development of your project idea into an application in a supportive and motivating atmosphere. You can find further information here.


13.02.2023: #The International Day of Woman & Girls in Science  

"With the slogan #WomenInScienceDay we combine the desire for diversity and equal opportunities for everyone. We are certain: diverse backgrounds and individual life courses of girls and women* enrich science." - Team UNIFY (Unit for Family, Diversity & Equality), University of Heidelberg


Workshop: Mentally strong fathers 

Invitation to the workshop Mentally strong fathers - How to position yourself as a strong man and actively contribute to family, care work and raising children. Date: 13th February from 9 am to 1 pm // Trainer: Daniel Kauer // Room 340 University Administration
Please register via

Julia Hanstein: E-Mail
Latest Revision: 2024-06-11
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