
UNIFY - Unit for Family, Diversity & Equality

Voßstraße 5, Gebäude 2240/41, 69115 Heidelberg
Phone: + 49 6221 54-7697


Attention: UNIFY is moving! In the weeks from 08.07-19.07 there may therefore be delays in answering enquiries or in the availability of employees.



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Professional Training

Cooperative Coaching

You decided to pursue a career in science, you are reflecting upon and planning your career, you successfully mastered first challenges and you also met some limits. One important subject on the way to a professorship is the professionalization as a university teacher. Your profession is multifaceted, and while some aspects are evident, others are part of the "secret curriculum".

The professional training programme of Heidelberg University supports you in your preparation for requirements such as personnel responsibility and didactic methods. Through "cooperative coaching" we offer you an additional forum for the exchange of information and experiences among peers, and for the supervision of daily university scenarios. Furthermore, it enables you to broaden your knowledge on specific internal procedures and activities at the university.

Women junior professors and private lecturers of Heidelberg University are encouraged to meet four times per semester for discussing a predetermined subject during dinner. Ute Juelly, personnel consultant in Frankfurt/Brussels, will assist the group in content-related matters and is available as a supervisor.


The meetings during the winter semester 2012/13 will take place on the following Tuesdays:

  • November 13th, 2012
  • December 4th, 2012
  • January 15th, 2013
  • February 19th, 2013

Time: 6.00 - 9.00 p.m.


Subjects for the winter semester 2012/13:

  • Dealing professionally with competitors (November)
  • Confident behaviour in the work environment (December)
  • Time management and annual planning (January)
  • Subjects proposed by the group (February)


In order to participate, please register in advance!



Mentoring and Training

Mentoring and Training is a programme of the Conference of Equal Opportunities Commissioners at Universities in Baden-Württemberg (LaKoG), supported by the Ministry of Science, Research and Arts.

Mut The programme focuses on habilitating women and young women academics on their way to professorship. It is designed to encourage them to exert their competences and capitalise their chances, and acquire additional qualifications in such fields as personnel leadership and project management.


The mentoring part of the programme aims to help the participants to develop and define systematically their career profile, build up network platforms and informal contacts, crucial factors to a successful career. The participants can share the knowledge and experience of their mentors, they get attention and encouragement.

Fortunately, finding mentors, women and men, is not a problem. 

Service für Wissenschaftlerinnen

Furthermore, the MuT Programme provides trainings and personal counselling in such fields as didactics, (self-) presentation and demeanour, career planning and application procedures.

The MuT Programme started in September 1998 with a group of women academics habilitating at universities of Baden-Württemberg (chosen out of 88 interested women). The participants made use of three days to expand their knowledge of social, structural and organizational conditions at universities, getting a background that their male colleagues in permanent positions were naturally learning by doing.Science Web

An important element of the programme was to analyze the own scientific career progression, a base to develop ideas and goals to work on with the mentor.

Being asked about their expectations the participants wanted to get a better assessment of their chances to get to know women in similar situations, to improve on didactics and rhetoric, to learn more on personal leadership, to overcome one’s isolation and to get guidelines on the way to professorship. After this first three days the echo was consistently very positive. And all participants wanted to continue to use the programme.

In the meantime, we are pleased to report that the first experiences of the cooperation of mentors and mentees are very positive and motivating to continue the programme.



Annual programme 2013




Responsible: E-Mail
Latest Revision: 2013-02-13
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