Erasmus Code Heidelberg


Erasmus Incoming Office Heidelberg University

Incomings Service

Seminarstr. 2

69117 Heidelberg

Tel. +49 6221 54-12714


IPW Erasmus Assistants

Emily Burkhart & Jonas Birkholz

Bergheimer Str. 58

69115 Heidelberg

Room: 03.023


In-Person or Online Appointments can be arranged via e-mail.


Dr. Delia Dumitrescu

Bergheimer Str. 58

69115 Heidelberg

Tel.: +49 6221 54-2865


Office hour: Registration via e-mail


International students

Welcome to the Institute of Political Science Heidelberg


We are very pleased that you will spend your semester abroad at the Institute of Political Science at Heidelberg University.


This site entails helpful information regarding the preparation of your stay at our institute as well as providing important information you might need during or after your stay.


Preparing for your stay at the Institute for political Science (IPW) at Heidelberg University

Please visit Before your exchange

This page includes:

  • Contact for organizational matters
  • Contacts at the IPW
  • Learning Agreements
  • Course Selection
  • Course Structure at the IPW
  • Credit System at the IPW
  • Course Requirements
  • Grading System at the IPW
  • Transcript of Records


Everything you need during your stay in Heidelberg

Please visit During your exchange

This page includes:

  • Studying in Heidelberg
  • Useful contacts and links


What you need to do after your exchange

Please visit After your exchange

This page includes:

  • Transcript of Records
  • Transferring Grades and Credits
  • Lost Transcript of Records



All the important Documents you may need can be downloaded here:

Documents for International Students

Webmaster: E-Mail
Letzte Änderung: 28.05.2024
zum Seitenanfang/up