Dr. Simon Schaub
Contact information
Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Institut für Politische Wissenschaft
Bergheimer Str. 58, Room 03.042
D-69115 Heidelberg
Phone: (+49) 6221 54 2898
E-Mail: simon.schaub@ipw.uni-heidelberg.de
Office hours
Please register for office hour appointments by writing an e-mail.
Simon Schaub is an academic assistant at Prof. Dr. Jale Tosun's Chair of Political Science since October 2017. He studied Political Science at Heidelberg University from 2011 where he graduaded with a Master of Arts degree in 2017. In July 2021, he finished his PhD, which he conducted within the research project Effect-Net at Heidelberg University under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Jale Tosun. In his dissertation he investigated public debates on water pollution by contaminants of emerging concern and agricultural pollutants and the debates' influence on policy making. Currently, Simon Schaub conducts research on climate politics as a postdoc within the research project DeepDCarb where he focuses on climate policy, its determinants and impacts on climate change mitigation.
Current research project
- DeepDCarb aims at gaining insights into how societies may commit to deep and rapid reduction of carbon emissions to stop anthropogenic global warming. Central actors have been found to be caught in a “governance trap” where they attribute primary responsibility to each other and refrain from taking a lead in adopting long-term and effective measures. DeepDCarb focuses on identifying ways of how societies address long-term commitment dilemmas and how these may be overcome. Further information can be found here
- Effect-Net: A multi-scale effect network for hazard identification and risk evaluation of high consumption chemicals in aquatic ecosystems - Drugs, pharmaceuticals and food additives - from receptors to biodiversity. Funded by MWK Baden-Württemberg (www.effect-net-wasser.de/). A project description can be found here.
Research Fellowships
- Fellow of the Young Marsilius Fellow Program for Interdisciplinarity and Science Communication of the Marsilius Kolleg for excellent postdocs affiliated with Heidelberg University (2021/2022).
- Fellow of the interdisciplinary Heidelberg Center for the Environment Zukunftskolleg (2018/2019). The Zukunftskolleg promotes den interdisciplinary exchange among doctoral candidates and postdocs conducting research on the environment in natural, social and cultural sciences.
- The Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences Heidelberg awarded Simon Schaub in 2022 with their Doctoral Award for conducting the faculty's best political science PhD of the past four years.
- Simon Schaub was awared with the Environmental Award of the Viktor and Sigrid Dulger Foundation in 2021 for his dissertation's excellent research on the environment.
Environmental and climate politics
- Schaub, Simon, Tosun, Jale und Andrew J. Jordan (2024). Climate Action through Policy Expansion and/or Dismantling: Country-Comparative Insights: An Introduction to the Special Issue. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice, 26(3–4), 215–232, doi: 10.1080/13876988.2024.2369640.
- Enguer, Joan and Simon Schaub (2024). Local preferences for the adoption and modification of climate policy instruments under a radical left government: unveiling the impact and legacy of Barcelona in Common. Local Government Studies, online first, doi: 10.1080/03003930.2024.2400284.
- Schaub, Simon (2024). The US and climate change - on track to fulfill its international obligation? HCA Graduate Blog, doi: 10.58079/11qmj.
- Tosun, Jale and Simon Schaub (2024). Autocratization and Environmental Performance. Aurel Croissant/Luca Tomini (Ed.): The Routledge Handbook of Autocratization. Routledge: London, 413-427.
- Polo-Villanueva, Fredy David, Schaub, Simon, Rivadeneira, Laura, Tosun, Jale, Giessen, Lukas and Sarah Lilian Burns (2024). Shaping multilateral regional governance of climate and forests: Exploring the influence of Forest industry lobbying on state participation. Forest Policy and Economics, online first, doi: 10.1016/j.forpol.2024.103346.
- Tosun, Jale and Simon Schaub (2023). Environmental Policy Implementation. Helge Jörgens/Christoph Knill/Yves Steinebach (Ed.): Routledge Handbook of Environmental Policy. Routledge: London, 136-150.
- Schaub, Simon, Tosun, Jale, Jordan, Andrew and Joan Enguer (2022). Climate Policy Ambition: Exploring A Policy Density Perspective. Politics and Governance, 10(3), doi: 10.17645/pag.v10i3.5347.
- Jordan, Andrew, Lorenzoni, Irene, Tosun, Jale, Enguer i Saus, Joan, Geese, Lucas, Kenny, John, Levario Saad, Emiliano, Moore, Brendan and Simon Schaub (2022). The political challenges of deep decarbonisation: towards a more integrated agenda. Climate Action, 1(1), 6, doi: 10.1007/s44168-022-00004-7.
Agricultural policy
- Tosun, Jale, Schaub, Simon, Charlene Marek, Laura Kellermann and Marcus A. Koch (2024). Attributing responsibility to farmers for environmental protection and climate action: insights from the European Union. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, online first, doi: 10.1007/s13412-024-00981-7.
- Tosun, Jale, Schaub, Simon and Charlene Marek (2023). Europeans' Attitudes Toward the Goals of Agricultural Policy: A Case of Rural-Urban Divide? Political Studies Review, online first, doi: 10.1177/14789299221149505.
- Schaub, Simon (2021). Public contestation over agricultural pollution: a discourse network analysis on narrative strategies in the policy process. Policy Sciences, 54, 783–821, doi: 10.1007/s11077-021-09439-x.
Water policy
- Schaub, Simon, Vogeler, Colette and Florence Metz (2022). Designing policy mixes for the sustainable management of water resources. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, 24(5), 463–471, doi: 10.1080/1523908X.2022.2100751.
- Kosow, Hannah, Kirschke, Sabrina, Borchardt, Dietrich, Cullmann, Johannes, Guillaume, Joseph H. A., Hannah, David M., Schaub Simon and Jale Tosun (2022). Scenarios of water extremes ‐ framing ways forward for wicked problems. Hydrological Processes, doi: 10.1002/hyp.14492.
- Schaub, Simon (2021). The Politics of Water Protection. Heidelberg University Library: Heidelberg, doi: 10.11588/heidok.00030285.
- Schaub, Simon and Thomas Braunbeck (2020). Transition towards sustainable pharmacy? The influence of public debates on policy responses to pharmaceutical contaminants in water. Environmental Sciences Europe, 32, 140. doi: 10.1186/s12302-020-00423-5.
- Zingraff-Hamed, Aude, Schröter, Barbara, Schaub, Simon, Lepenies, Robert, Stein, Ulf, Hüesker, Frank, Meyer, Claas, Schleyer, Christian, Schmeier, Susanne and Martin T. Pusch (2020). Perception of bottlenecks in the implementation of the European Water Framework Directive. Water Alternatives, 13(3), 1-26.
- Schaub, Simon and Florence Metz (2020). Comparing Discourse and Policy Network Approaches: Evidence from Water Policy on Micropollutants. Politics and Governance, 8(2), 184-199, doi: 10.17645/pag.v8i2.2597.
- Tosun, Jale, Scherer, Ulrike, Simon Schaub and Harald Horn (2020). Making Europe go from bottles to the tap: Political and societal attempts to induce behavioral change. WIREs Water, e1435, doi: 10.1002/wat2.1435.
- Tosun, Jale, Simon Schaub and Andreas Fleig (2020). What determines regulatory preferences? Insights from micropollutants in surface waters. Environmental Science and Policy (106), 136-144. doi: 10.1017/j.envsci.2020.02.001.
- Schaub, Simon (2019). Salient to Whom? The Positioning of German Political Parties on Agricultural Pollutants in Water Bodies. Water 11(11), 2278, doi: 10.3390/w11112278.
- Schaub, Simon and Jale Tosun (2019). Spurenstoffeinträge in Gewässer: Der Einfluss von Vertrauen in Akteure auf die Problemwahrnehmung. Zeitschrift für Umweltpolitik und Umweltrecht 42(2), 185-213.
Policy narratives
- Schaub, Simon and Jale Tosun (2024). Moralisieren als narrative Strategie im politischen Diskurs: Einblicke aus der klimapolitischen Debatte in Deutschland. Ekkehard Felder/Friederike Nüssel/Jale Tosun (Hg.): Moral und Moralisierung-Neue Zugänge. Berlin, 63-85, doi: 10.1515/9783111284316-004.
- Tosun, Jale and Simon Schaub (2021). Constructing policy narratives for transnational mobilization: Insights from European Citizens’ Initiatives. European Policy Analysis, doi: 10.1002/epa2.1125.
Risk governance: green biotechnology
- Jin, Yan, Schaub, Simon, Tosun, Jale and Justus Wesseler (2022). Does China have a public debate on genetically modified organisms? A discourse network analysis of public debate on Weibo. Public Understanding of Science, doi: 10.1177%2F09636625211070150
- Hartung, Ulrich and Simon Schaub (2020). Risikotechnologie in der Kommunalpolitik. Das Abstimmungsverhalten von Ratsmitgliedern über Anbauverbote für gentechnisch veränderte Pflanzen. Zeitschrift für Umweltpolitik und Umweltrecht 43(2), 165-190.
- Hartung, Ulrich and Simon Schaub (2018). The Regulation of Genetically Modified Organisms on a Local Level: Exploring the Determinants of Cultivation Bans. Sustainability, 10(10), 3392, doi: 10.3390/su10103392.
- Tosun, Jale and Simon Schaub (2017). Mobilization in the European public sphere: The struggle over GMOs. Review of Policy Research, 34(3), 310-330, doi: 10.1111/ropr.12235.
External funding
- 2023: Funding for a workshop on forest and climate change governance which will be held in October 2023 (funded by the Heidelberg Center for the Environment through the Excellence Strategy of the German federal & state governments; joint application with Alejandra Irigoyen, Christin Heinz-Fischer, Emiliano Levario Saad, Joan Enguer i Saus, Dr. Sarah Burns und Fredy David Polo Villanueva): 9.720 €.
- 2021: Funding for initiating a joint project on "sustainable drinking water" (funded by the Water Research Network Baden Württemberg and the Ministry of Science, Research and Art Baden-Württemberg (MWK); joint application by Dr. Sina Klein and Simon Schaub): 15.000 €.
- 2018: Funding for a workshop titled "Integrated Assessment Modelling of Water Governance" which took place in September 2018 (funded by the Water Research Network Baden Württemberg; joint application by Dr. Andreas Fleig, Dr. Sanam Vardag, and Simon Schaub): 18.000 €.