Opening of the German House for Research and Innovation in New Delhi
2 November 2012
Heidelberg University a participant in project that promotes Germany as a location for research
A ceremony to officially open the German House for Research and Innovation (DWIH) in New Delhi was held on Saturday, 27 October 2012. Funded by the German Federal Foreign Office and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the initiative combines German research and funding organisations and businesses operating in India under a single umbrella. The objective is to heighten their visibility and expand cooperation with partners in the India, promoting Germany as an outstanding location for science and innovation. A total of 14 partners are participating in the DWIH New Delhi, Heidelberg University among them. The consortium is being coordinated by the Germany Research Foundation (DFG).
The opening in the country’s capital was attended by high-ranking politicians, academics, members of research funding organisations, and representatives from business from Germany and India. Speakers included German State Secretary Dr. Emily Haber of the Federal Foreign Office, Indian State Secretary Dr. Thirumalachari Ramasami, DFG President Prof. Dr. Matthias Kleiner, President of the Leopoldina National Academy Prof. Dr. Jörg Hacker, and President of the Indian Council for Cultural Relations und member of Parliament Dr. Karan Singh. Ruperto Carola was represented by Prof. Dr. Axel Michaels, the rector’s delegate for cooperation with India, and Dr. Doris Hillger, head of the Heidelberg Center South Asia (HCSA).
The opening of the German House included the first DWIH lectures in which renowned researchers provided a glimpse into their research, as well as the Indo-German Grand Science Slam, with young researchers bringing their research topics to the stage in innovative fashion. Heidelberg University also participated in an exhibit in the BMBF pavilion, which was very well attended on opening day. The Heidelberg Center South Asia organises and sponsored the exhibit.
In addition to Heidelberg University and the HCSA, the 14 consortium partners include the Free University of Berlin, the universities of Göttingen and Cologne, the RWTH Aachen, the Technical University of Munich, and the Research Centre Jülich. The research funding organisations are represented by the DFG, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, the Fraunhofer Society, the German Academic Exchange Service, and the Max Planck Society. Members from industry include the Indo-German Chamber of Commerce and the German Society for International Cooperation.
The DWIH in New Delhi is the fifth consortium of this type. Other DWIH centres in New York, São Paolo, Moscow, and Tokyo also work to advance Germany as a location for science and research, promoting collaboration between partners from Germany and the domicile country.