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Law and Medicine Lead the QS Subject Rankings in Germany

29 April 2015

Heidelberg University in the world’s 50 best universities in six subjects

In the QS Subject Rankings, Heidelberg University fared well at both the national and international levels. In law and medicine, Ruperto Carola was the highest ranked among German universities, as it was in the previous year. Internationally, law placed 36th and medicine 39th. Overall, Heidelberg University ranked among the 50 best universities in the world in six subjects.

In physics and astronomy, Heidelberg maintained its 27th place ranking of last year. Among German universities, Heidelberg advanced to third place, up one from 2014. Additional subjects that place Heidelberg in the world’s top 50 are modern languages (30th), philosophy (37th), and the biosciences (44th). In Germany, Heidelberg University ranks third in modern languages and the biosciences, along with pharmacy.

The ranking in the QS World University Rankings by Subject is based on the data from the QS World University Ranking from the fall of 2014, in which Heidelberg University ranked first in Germany. The indicators for the individual subject rankings were calculated from a subset of the data from the main ranking, namely data from surveys of academics and employers as well as citation analyses.

Editor: Email
Latest Revision: 2015-05-04
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