British Scholar to Teach at the Institute of East Asian Art History
1 June 2011

In the framework of its Heinz Götze Visiting Professorship, Heidelberg University’s Institute of East Asian Art History will be inviting visiting scholars to teach at the University every year. The first incumbent of this professorship, established with the aid of an eponymous foundation, is the British archaeologist and art historian Prof. Jessica Rawson. From 7 June to 20 July 2011, Prof. Rawson, a renowned specialist on the Han dynasty (206 BC - 220 AD), will be offering a lecture and a seminar. On 12 July, Prof. Rawson will be delivering a ceremonial lecture to mark the inception of the visiting professorship.
Up to her retirement last year, Prof. Rawson was Warden of Merton College Oxford, prior to that (1976-1994) she was curator of the Department of Oriental Antiquities of the British Museum in London. “Jessica Rawson is one of the most prominent scholars working on Chinese archaeology and art history,” says Prof. Dr. Melanie Trede of the Institute of East Asian Art History, “and we are very glad that she has accepted our invitation to come to Heidelberg as visiting professor.” During her sojourn in Heidelberg, Jessica Rawson will also participate in the Third Balzan Colloquium on East Asian Art History. Doctoral students from Asia, the United States and Europe are invited to the colloquium at Heidelberg University to discuss their research work with fellow students and renowned scholars.
The new visiting professorship has been established by the Heinz Götze Foundation, named after the long-time co-proprietor of the Springer publishing house (Heidelberg). Heinz Götze, who died in 2001, maintained cordial relations with the Institute of East Asian Art History and made a name for himself worldwide as a collector of East Asian calligraphies. The Foundation finances not only the new visiting professorship but also travel grants for MA students and doctoral candidates working on Chinese art history.
The opening lecture “From Steppe Road to Silk Road: Foreign Technologies that Changed China and Chinese Technologies that Changed the World” will take place at 6 pm on 12 July at the Karl Jaspers Centre, Vossstrasse 2, room 212. All interested are welcome to attend. For more information on the visiting professorship, go to
Prof. Dr. Melanie Trede
Christof Büttner
Institute of East Asian Art History
phone: +49 6221 543969 or 543384
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