Access to Technology Platforms
The Heidelberg Molecular Life Science (HMLS) supports the development of technological facilities (Core Facilities) through financing and advisory service and accompanies further enhancements through annual online user surveys.
Major aims are to provide easy access for members of all partners, transparent terms of use and the development of a balanced User Fee System.
Junior scientists in particular should have easy access to the latest technology without any bureaucratic obstacles. The Core Facilities offer support to their users on three different levels:
- Service
- Support by experienced staff
- Allocation of equipment
Currently, HMLS is giving financial support to these Core Facilities:
Deep Sequencing Core Facility
The CellNetworks Deep Sequencing Core Facility is being established to provide access to Next Generation Sequencing technology for the Heidelberg University research community. It extends the supply of EMBL, DKFZ and Medical Faculties. [Homepage]
Electron Microscopy Core Facility (EMCF)
The EMCF provides technical and scientific support for transmission and scanning electron microscopy. [Homepage]
Nikon Imaging Center
Located in Bioquant, the major focus of the Nikon Imaging Center is to provide instrumentation for advanced light microscopic imaging with regularly up-dated equipment to researchers on campus. [Homepage]
RNAi Screening Facility
An RNAi Screening Facility for medium and large scale (e.g. genome-wide RNAi) screening has been established by the Cluster of Excellence CellNetworks and Federal Ministry of Education and Research project ViroQuant, taking advantage of the expertise already acquired from the existing platform at the EMBL. [Homepage]
Mass spectrometry
The Mass spectrometry Core Facility platform at Heidelberg University interacts with and complements existing facilities for mass spectrometry analysis of small molecules at different institutions. [Homepage]
Heidelberg´s location for science features numerous technical facilities distributed among all partner institutions. Please find detailed information on the corresponding websites.
Access to Technology Platforms