Field of Focus I HMLS Investigator Award

The Heidelberg Molecular Life Sciences (HMLS) Investigator Award is awarded to an outstanding scientist who is actively engaged in Life Science research in Heidelberg. The award recognizes excellence in two allied areas: research and strategic development of the Life Sciences in Heidelberg. Awardees are successful researchers, succeeded in initiating innovative actions on campus and fostered the scientific career development of undergraduates, graduates, PhDs, and Postdocs.

The award is designed to support recipients in the improvement of research conditions, to reduce adminstrative burdens and to facilitate fostering of talented young researchers in the research area of the recipient. Laureates are elected by the HMLS Research Council and external advisors. Recipients of the prize are internationally visible members of Heidelberg life science institutions with an intensive record of engagement with the University. Their visibility is an honor for our research site.

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