
Heidelberg University
Department of Psychology
Hauptstraße 47-51
Building 3011
D-69117 Heidelberg

Sabine Falke
Scientific Officer
Room 017 (Pavillon)
Tel. +49 6221 54-7122


Forum Self-Regulation and Regulation

The Forum Self-Regulation and Regulation is located in the Pavillon of the Department of Psychology. Two junior research groups are part of the Forum; as defined by their belonging to Field of Focus 4: Self-Regulation and Regulation: Individuals and Organisations the central concern of their work is to better understand human (self-)regulation processes in interdisciplinary dialogue. Concretely, one of the junior research groups is dedicated to the investigation of the Development of Self-Regulation, the other to the investigation of Cognition and Attention Regulation.

The Junior Research Groups:

Email: Editor
Latest Revision: 2019-10-29
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