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Knowledge Exchange and Networks

Regional Cooperations

NetzwerkeHeidelberg University is tied into a number of networks for collaborating with other research institutions and companies in the region. Sharing knowledge creates synergies and promotes development.

BioRN Network
The BioRN Network e.V. is an association of research institutes, universities, and pharmaceutical and biotechnology firms. The association’s primary goal is to create the optimal environment for a successful biotechnology sector as well as implement development programmes. [Homepage]

Centre of Environmental Expertise Rhine-Neckar
The Centre of Environmental Expertise unites the activities of companies and scientific institutions working in the field of the environment within the metropolitan region. It arranges contacts, sets up working groups and promotes knowledge transfer. [Homepage]

Heidelberg Technology Park
The Heidelberg Technology Park is a science park focussed on the life sciences where research institutes and international firms collaborate. With its emphasis on high tech and cutting-edge research, it is one of the leading biotechnology centres in the world. [Homepage]

Rhine-Neckar Metropolitan Region
The Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region boasts a tightly knit relationship between business and science. Through the cooperation of business and research facilities, new technologies yield practical applications. [Homepage]

Business and Science Interaction

NetzwerkeVarious events at Ruperto Carola, with the strong involvement of its researchers, offer a forum for direct interaction between business and science, thus promoting the exchange of experience and knowledge.


Geoinformation Network of the Rhine-Neckar Metropolitan Region, GeoNet.MRN
The GeoNet.MRN Network is an association of various firms, organisations, university research institutions and municipalities in the greater Rhine-Neckar region that addresses regional topics of concern in which geoinformation is key. Relevant topics include catastrophe management and risk analysis, location planning and geomarketing, city and regional planning, as well as logistics, navigation, transportation, energy and the environment. [More...] (Ger)

Heidelberg Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) Evening
This joint event held by the IHK Rhine-Neckar and Heidelberg University brings together business and science. The Heidelberg Evening includes lectures as well as an opportunity to exchange views. [Homepage] (Ger)

Heidelberg Image Processing Forum
The Heidelberg Image Processing Forum promotes advanced education and the exchange of information between universities, research institutes and industry. Representatives from science and industry present lectures that offer insights into current research and development issues. [Homepage] (Ger)

Physics Research Discussion Group Rhine-Neckar
Two times a year this discussion group provides scientists from industry and universities in the region a forum to discuss their research and development work in the field of physics and to support collaboration on projects that are nearing practical application. [More...] (Ger)

Rhine-Neckar Modelling Day
Modelling Day brings together practitioners and scientists to discuss innovations and modelling approaches in physics research as well as to share experiences. The Heidelberg Graduate School of Mathematical and Computational Methods for the Sciences co-organises the event. [Homepage] (Ger)

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Latest Revision: 2019-05-15
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