Lecture by Prof. Clive Bell, Ph.D., Emeritus
We cordially invite to the lecture of Prof. Clive Bell, Ph.D., Emeritus (Development Economics, University of Heidelberg).
The Ways to Good Health? Rural Roads, Illness and Treatment in Upland Orissa
Date: Tuesday, 21.04.2015
Venue: South Asia Institute, Room 509
Time: 11.00 a.m. / 11.00 Uhr
India’s rural roads program PMGSY aims, inter alia, to improve villagers’ timely access to health facilities. Some 280 households drawn earlier from 30 villages in a region of upland Orissa were resurveyed in 2010 and 2013, yielding an unbalanced panel of about 1600 individuals. Ten villages had received an all-weather road by 2013. The provision of such a road reduced an individual’s probability of falling sick by 3.8 percentage points, and the expected number of days of disabling illness by 1.5 days, for each km of unpaved track so replaced. Second, it had no effect on the total number of visits for treatment. Third, an individual’s morbidity was significantly
associated with his or her familial relationship to the head of household, age and caste, but not with the head of household’s education and sex, nor with the family’s endowments of land and adult females; more adult males in the family were associated with lower morbidity.