Personnel in animal experimental projects

If a person is taking an active part in an animal experimental project, this person has to be registered in the project application or killing notification under point 41 (Persons, that perform animals experiments during the course of the project) or have to be announced later by the project leader prior to the begin of the work.

Please use the respective form (/md/ibf/tierschutz/maanmeldung_06-2024.doc. To this document you have to add the staff sheet as well as the necessary qualifications (if possible: proof of vocational qualification and proof of competence according to §16 TierSchVersV e.g. course certificate). These documents should be sent as .doc or .pdf files to your respective animal welfare officer.

The animal welfare officer then classifies the person according to the (sent in) qualification into one of the following categories: (1) under supervision - (2) under supervision/ killing autonomously - (3) autonomously without performing surgical procedures - (4) autonomously including surgical procedures. You will receive a confirmatory letter, which status is appropriate and if you have to attend the course "Animal experimental basics and methods".

Further details concerning the qualification status can be found in the information leaflet "personnel status in animal experiments/exceptional permit" or in the /md/tierschutz/personalbogen-anleitung-august2013.pdf to the staff sheet. 

Persons who have not attended a course and/or cannot provide comparable qualifications, are only allowed to work under supervision. The supervisor has to be in immediate vicinity and has to be accessible at all times. These persons have to be signed up for the course immediately after their staff announcement.

The secretariat of the Animal Welfare Officers will notify the authorities of any staff members who have been announced to ensure that they go on record.

Please take into account that processing staff anouncements as well as course sign up is only possible, when all forms are complete and legible and all necessary certificates have been provided.

Responsible: Dr. Philipp Daiber
Latest Revision: 2024-06-25
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