Project Management 2010-2013
Dr. Grit Schwarzkopf
Field of Research
Philosophy of science; the humanities; and their interconnection, aesthetics and literary theory, modern german literature (especially Gryphius, Lessing, Kleist, Hofmannsthal)
Curriculum Vitae
since 2013 |
Principal Investigator at the Excellence Project Anthropology and Ethics, Heidelberg University |
2012 |
Visiting Professor for German Literature at University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, USA) |
2011-2013 |
Overall Research Coordinator and Junior Research Group Leader of Research Group Ethical and Legal Aspects of Whole Human Genome Sequencing (EURAT), Heidelberg University, in collaboration with DKFZ, Max Planck Institute for comparative public law and international law, EMBL Heidelberg, University of Hannover |
2009-2010 |
Visiting Professor for German Literature at University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, USA) |
2008-2011 |
Research Associate at the Department of German Language and Literature, Heidelberg University |
2008-2011 |
Research Associate at Interdisciplinary Forum for Biomedicine and Cultural Studies (IFBK), Heidelberg University |
2007 |
Mentor of Philosophy at IFBK Project Human Dignity, Heidelberg University |
2006 |
Doctorate, Heidelberg University |
Completed projects
2014-2015 |
Epistemology and Neurobiology (in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Hannah Monyer), funded by the Excellence Initiative II (cf. publication 4) |
2010 - 2013 |
Ethical and Legal Aspects of Whole Human Genome Sequencing (EURAT), funded by the Excellence Initiative II (cf. publication 3) |
2012 |
Interdisciplinary Anthropology: body – mind – culture (Marsilius summer school at Heidelberg University), funded by BASF Ludwigshafen (cf. publication 9) |
2011 |
The (in)perspicuous Human. How far does our insight into the individual go? (Marsilius winter school at Heidelberg University), funded by BASF Ludwigshafen (cf. publication 10) |
2008-2010 |
The History of German Literature in Pomerania from its Beginnings until the Present (in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Roswitha Wisniewski), funded by BMBF (cf. publication 2) |
2009 |
Is Responsibility an Illusion? (First Marsilius school at Heidelberg University), funded by BASF Ludwigshafen (cf. publication 11) |
Selected publications
Käthchen und Senta. Partnerfindung als Traumspiel in Heinrich von Kleists “Das Käthchen von Heilbronn oder die Feuerprobe” und in Richard Wagners “Der fliegende Holländer”. Heidelberg 2015. (= Beiträge zur Neueren Literaturgeschichte 351).
Geschichte der deutschen Literatur Pommerns. Vom Mittelalter bis zum Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts. Berlin 2013 (in collaboration with R Wisniewski).
Stellungnahme der EURAT-Gruppe Heidelberg „Eckpunkte für eine Heidelberger Praxis der Ganzgenomsequenzierung“. Heidelberg 2013.
Position Paper “Cornerstones for an Ethically and Legally Informed Practice of Whole Genome Sequencing”. Heidelberg 2013.
“Das Kantische Raummodell in der Neurobiologie.” With H Monyer. In: Kant-Studien [2017].
“Ethische Grundfragen der Genomsequenzierung.” In: Nova Acta Leopoldina NF 117, Nr. 396 (2013), 9-24.
„Angst und Empathie in Goethes Erlkönig“. In: Grenzen der Empathie. Philosophische, psychologische und anthropologische Perspektiven. Paderborn 2013, 475-486.
„Selbstentwurf und Gefährdung.“ In: Karl Jaspers im Schnittpunkt von Zeitgeschichte, Psychopathologie, Literatur und Film. Heidelberg 2009, 149-168.
Edited Volumes
Literatur und Medizin. Non Fiktion. Forthcoming 2016 (edited with A Honold).
Interdisziplinäre Anthropologie: Leib – Geist – Kultur. Heidelberg 2013 (edited with T Breyer et al.).
Der undurchsichtige Mensch. Wie weit reicht der Blick in die Person? Heidelberg 2012 (edited with CR Bartram et al.).
Verantwortlichkeit – nur eine Illusion? Heidelberg 2010 (edited with T Fuchs).
Menschenbild und Menschenwürde am Ende des Lebens. Heidelberg 2009, 2nd ed. 2012 (edited with A Kruse et al.).