
Heidelberg University
Heidelberg Alumni International
Phone: +49 6221 54-19044
Fax: +49 6221 54-19049

Heidelberg Alumni International

Further Information

HAInet Group Research-Alumni Network

As part of the services for members of the Research-Alumni Network, Heidelberg University has created a dedicated group in HAInet – the global online community of the university's alumni. In HAInet, alumni can find former fellow students in the international alumni directory, establish valuable contacts in the worldwide HAIsociety and find information on professional opportunities at home and abroad.

Karte Research-Alumni-Netzwerk

With features like a pinboard, calendar and discussion forums, HAInet is the social network of Heidelberg University alumni, with a password-protected member area and, of course, without any commercial interests. HAInet members can subscribe free of charge to various interesting newsletters from the university's faculties or simply look up current alumni events, general university events and activities in Heidelberg in the alumni calendar. Photo galleries offer room for memories of Heidelberg and document past alumni meetings and network events.

The "Research-Alumni Network" group is only available to current and former visiting scientists. Members can catch up on news and events in the network and contact each other. The forum allows all members to open and follow discussion threads and publish news and information on interesting events all over the world. The calendar offers information on planned Research-Alumni Meetings and other network events.

Every member of the group can send messages to other members. The pinboard features links to research-related press releases and news from the network and from institutions that may be of interest to the Research-Alumni. There are also photo galleries of past Research-Alumni Meetings.

Email: Editor
Latest Revision: 2012-07-03
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