„My Dream Came True“
Dr. Badireenath Konkimalla, Assistant Professor at the School of Biological Sciences at the National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER) in Bhubaneswar/India
PhD student at Heidelberg University Biochemistry Center (BZH) from October 2002 until February 2006
Post-doc at German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) from July 2006 until November 2006
Project leader for an independent project funded by Dietmar Hopp foundation at the DKFZ from June 2007 until December 2009
Why did you decide to come to Heidelberg University?
While working on my master thesis in bioinformatics, I developed an interest in membrane proteins and GPCRs. To my good fortune I got an opportunity to meet and discuss with german Biochemist and Nobel laureate Prof. Dr. Hartmut Michel who advised me to choose Heidelberg University for experimental research in GPCRs.
What were your experiences in Heidelberg?
My stay at Heidelberg indeed played a very crucial role in developing my personal and professional skills. My research stay at DKFZ made my dream come true which was to conduct interdisciplinary research and understand intricate mechanism in cancer biology and therapy using computational and high-throughput techniques.
How did your career continue after your time in Heidelberg?
Certainly, being associated with Heidelberg University and DKFZ gifted me a universal visa. The experience gained at Heidelberg helped me write and bag more independent research grants for setting up my research lab in Bhubaneswar. The workaholic nature in Heidelberg is something I greatly appreciate and I do try to imbibe it in my day-to-day life.
Do you recommend a research visit to Heidelberg University to your students or to colleagues in your scientific network?
Undoubtedly without any hesitation I would recommend HD to all my students, friends and people within my scientific network.
What do you think about the network-meeting in New Delhi in March?
HAIN meeting at New Delhi was a wonderful and successful attempt that made meeting of people from different generations and across disciplines possible. This meeting will have a huge impact on developing a strong research network and will generate a "Heidelberg awareness" among Indian students.