
Heidelberg University
Heidelberg Alumni International
Phone: +49 6221 54-3489
Fax: +49 6221 54-2091

Heidelberg Alumni International

Further Information

New HAIreconnect research grants

The HAIreconnect programme invites Research Alumni to apply for a grant that allows them to return to Heidelberg for a brief research stay; the application deadline is 15 March 2017. These HAI-funded research stays of up to ten days give former visiting scholars the chance to meet other researchers and initiate new projects, renew or intensify existing cooperation programmes or work on their own research project in Heidelberg. They can also present their work and their research institution during an event in Heidelberg. Additional suggestions are always welcome. The HAIreconnect stay in Heidelberg is scheduled for the time from 15 March to 30 November 2017; earlier and later dates are possible by way of exception.

The programme is intended for international Research Alumni who obtained their doctorate in Heidelberg or worked there as junior or senior academics and are currently continuing their research in their home country or another country. In order to be considered for a grant, alumni need a recommendation from the host institute. They should also be willing to take an active part in the Research Alumni Network and act as ambassadors of Heidelberg University among their colleagues and students. Earlier application rounds in 2012 and 2015 enabled nearly 50 Research Alumni from more than 20 countries to return to Heidelberg on a HAIreconnect grant (for examples, click here and here).

If you would like to apply for a grant, you can do so using the form in the HAI internet portal. Alumni who received a grant in an earlier application round are welcome to reapply, but if demand is high, first-time applicants will be preferred. The grant covers a maximum of 100 euros per day for up to ten days. In addition to the scholars themselves, institutes of Heidelberg University interested in hosting a former visiting scholar may also apply for a HAIreconnect scholarship. Click here to find everything you need to know about the HAIreconnect programme and the current application round. If you have questions on the programme, please write to

Email: Editor
Latest Revision: 2017-03-01
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