
Heidelberg University
Heidelberg Alumni International
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Heidelberg Alumni International

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Six new HAIreconnect fellows

Japan, South Korea and Bangladesh – these are the home countries of the six research alumni who will be returning to Heidelberg in 2019 on a HAIreconnect fellowship. The latest round of short-term fellowships under the HAIreconnect programme was open exclusively to participants of the Kyoto network conference in April 2018. A HAI-funded research stay of up to ten days offers the chance to meet other researchers and initiate new projects, renew or intensify existing cooperation programmes or work on a research project in Heidelberg.


Three of this year’s fellows hail from Japan:

- Professor Yuko Nishitani, a jurist at Kyoto University, was a doctoral student at Heidelberg University’s Institute for Comparative Law, Conflicts of Law and International Business Law between 1994 and 1997. She is currently doing research on international family law, specifically on the cultural identity of individuals, and would also like to launch new research projects investigating the social responsibility of business enterprises. Professor Nishitani plans to use her stay in Heidelberg to compare notes with fellow legal scholars, initiate new cooperation projects and – once she is back in Japan – give a lecture as part of the ‘Nichi-Doku Joint Lecture’ series.

- The historian and Japanese scholar Dr Jotaro Kuno of Doshisha University in Kyoto worked at Heidelberg University’s Institute for Japanese Studies from September to December 2017. He is currently investigating scientific relations between Germany and Japan in the 1920s and 1930s, and the important role that Heidelberg University has played in the development of science in Japan. During his research stay, Dr Kuno wants to look for appropriate materials in the University Archives and to exchange ideas with fellow researchers. He plans to give a presentation on his chosen topic at the Institute of Japanese Studies.

- The chemist Professor Tomohiro Hayashi of the Tokyo Institute of Technology was a doctoral student at Heidelberg University’s Institute for Physical Chemistry from 2000 to 2003. A Research Ambassador for the University since 2016, he would like to extend existing cooperation projects for researchers and students alike. When he returns to Germany in July 2019, Professor Hayashi intends to build on his collaboration with Heidelberg colleagues – which also involves a number of students – to conduct experiments and discuss future joint projects.


Two fellows will be travelling to Heidelberg from South Korea:

- The theologian Professor Tae-Yeon Kim of Soongsil University in Seoul earned her doctorate in Heidelberg in 2012. Her particular interest is global religious and missionary history; during her time in Heidelberg, she wants to discuss common research topics with her former doctorate supervisor. In addition, she hopes to establish a scientific network between Heidelberg and Korea.

- The theologian Professor Chul Chun, Director of the Center for the Study of Science and Religion at Hanshin University in Seoul, studied in Heidelberg from 2000 to 2008 and received his doctorate from the University. When he returns this year, he would like to explore the possibility of conducting joint research on religion and science in Korea and Germany.

Bangladesh is home to the chemist Dr Md Nuruzzaman Khan Hira of the University of Dhaka, who is currently doing research at Kumamoto University in Kumamoto, Japan, and who was a doctoral student at Heidelberg University’s Institute for Physical Chemistry between 2010 and 2014. He would like to intensify scientific exchange between Bangladesh and Heidelberg and plans to use most of his time in Germany to prepare a joint research project with his erstwhile supervisor.

Email: Editor
Latest Revision: 2019-03-08
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