
Heidelberg University
Heidelberg Alumni International
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“The German university system is more bureaucratic than that in the US”

Porträt Ganguly
Dr Emilia Maria Patrut

Prof. Dr. Sumit Ganguly, Political Scientist at Indiana University Bloomington, in Bloomington/USA

2018 and 2019 several research visits at the South Asia Institute (SAI)


When, how long and in what position did you stay at Heidelberg University?

I was in Heidelberg for about a month and a half last year and this year I will be at the university for two months. 


Why did you decide to come to Heidelberg University?

I chose to come to Heidelberg University thanks to the invitation of my former student and current colleague, Professor Rahul Mukherji. 


What have you learned so far in Heidelberg? What experiences have been particularly valuable?

​I learned a good deal about how the German university system works. In addition, I have had the pleasure of starting one or two collaboration projects with colleagues in Heidelberg. 


What is your view of the German scientific system in comparison to that of your home country or to that of other countries where you may have conducted research?

​To be quite honest, the German university system is more bureaucratic than the one in the United States. US universities can respond to the needs of visiting scientists in ways that are more flexible, adaptive and quick. For example, getting a working computer with internet access for my office took two weeks. This would have never happened at my university in the United States. 


In your opinion, what is the importance of international exchanges for researchers?

International exchange enables face-to-face cooperation among researchers, offers opportunities for meeting new colleagues and can facilitate contact with doctoral students.

Email: Editor
Latest Revision: 2019-07-29
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