Anstehende Konzerte

Capella Carolina

Henry Purcell: The Fairy Queen

  • Sonntag, 13.07.2025, Neue Aula der Universität, Universitätsplatz, Heidelberg: 20 Uhr

Camerata Carolina

Bach. Brahms. Bruckner: Die Großen Motetten.

  • Samstag, 31.05.2025, Peterskirche, Heidelberg: 20 Uhr
  • Samstag, 05.07.2025, Markus-Kirche, Hannover: 20 Uhr
  • Samstag, 19.07.2025, Dom St. Blasien: 18 Uhr
  • Sonntag, 20.07.2025, St. Pierre et Paul, Rosheim im Elsass (FR): 18 Uhr.


Weitere Konzerte & Vorverkauf


Capella Carolina

Interessierte können im SoSe 2025 eine Dreiviertelstunde (19:15 Uhr) vor Beginn der regulären Probe zum Gruppenvorsingen vorbeikommen. Kein Einzelvorsingen erforderlich. Wir freuen uns auf euch!


Camerata Carolina

Einzelvorsingen jederzeit möglich nach Vereinbarung. Anmeldung telefonisch oder per Mail beim Dirigenten erforderlich.


Capella Carolina

Donnerstags 20-22 Uhr, Großer Hörsaal der Chemie, INF 252 

Camerata Carolina

Dienstags 20-22 Uhr, Kellersaal des Max-Weber-Hauses, ISZ, Ziegelhäuser Landstraße 17


Probenbeginn Sommersemester 2025

Capella: 03.04.2025

Camerata: 18.02.2025




Social Media

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European Choral Music from 6 Centuries and 7 Countries

Camerata-2024Europe should be a unity of diversity - musically, it has been for a long time. With the program "European Choral Music from 6 Centuries", the Camerata Carolina demonstrated this in their concert on Sunday, 30 June 2024 in the Peterskirche Heidelberg.


The works presented range from Gregorian chant to the 21st century. Well-known names - Bach, Bellini, Fauré, Soler, Stanford, Verdi - are represented with impressive compositions, but we have also selected lesser-known gems. The most recent work is Valentin Silvestrov's "Prayer for Ukraine" for twelve-part choir, which he wrote in 2014 to mark the uprising on Maidan Square in Kijiv. We consciously include this brave country in European music. The Camerata intensively cultivates the high art of a cappella singing and is regularly praised by audiences and the press for its transparent and warm choral sound. It will continue its frequent travels this year: it will present this program in Italy (Liguria) and France (Montpellier).



Concert tour to Italy and France 

From September 16 to 23, 2024, the chamber choir “Camerata Carolina” will undertake a concert tour to Liguria, Nice and Montpellier. We are looking forward to making new international connections. We will be presenting our varied a cappella program “Choral music from 6 centuries and 10 countries” - each with a slightly different focus. The works we present range from Gregorian chant to the 21st century. Well-known names - Bach, Bellini, Fauré, Soler, Stanford, Verdi - are represented with impressive compositions, but we have also selected lesser-known gems.

2023 Camerata Bild Website

Program of the concert tour


  • Tuesday, September 17, 2024, 21.00, Chiesa di San Matteo Laigueglia
  • Wednesday, September 18, 2024, 20.30, Eglise Saint-Etienne, Saint-Étienne-de-Tinée
  • Thursday, September 19, 2024, 21.00, Concattedrale di San Siro Sanremo / Together with Coro FilHarmonia, Sanremo / Direttore: Giulio Magnanini
  • Friday, September 20, 2024, 21.00, Basilica Cattedrale dei San Maurizio, Imperia



  • Saturday, September 21, 2024, 18.00, Cathédrale de Maguelone / Palavat les Flots


  • Sunday, September 22, 2024, 17.45, Cathédrale Saint-Pierre Montpellier

What is this project about?

As the choir of the International Study Center of Heidelberg University (ISZ), it is particularly important to us to establish and maintain international contacts. The Camerata Carolina has already performed in the USA, Canada, Chile, Georgia, Armenia, Lithuania, Austria and France. The choir's trip in September 2024 is also planned to promote international exchange and cooperation. In Sanremo, we will give a joint concert with the renowned choir “FilHarmonia”. Cooperation projects are also planned with the Université de Montpellier, Ruperto Carola's traditional partner university in Heidelberg, and the newly founded Université Côte d'Azur in Nice. As part of the city partnership between Heidelberg and Montpellier, we are preparing a joint event with the Maison de Heidelberg.

Who are we?

Internationality is one of the special characteristics of our chamber choir Camerata Carolina. We have around 40 students, young academics and alumnae/alumni from various countries who are characterized by above-average musical and vocal abilities. In many concerts at home and abroad, we have proven our sound culture and our extraordinary level. Our repertoire includes challenging choral works, a cappella and accompanied by orchestra, from the 16th to the 21st century. 



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