The Summer School 2010 on Global Governance of Climate Enginering
Participants of the 2010 Summer School on Global Governance of Climate Engineering (picture courtesy of Alan Robock)
From July 12th to July 16th 2010 the Marsilius Kolleg at the Heidelberg University invited the world's foremost scholars on Climate Engineering for a 5day Summer School on Global Governance of Climate Engineering. In lectures and workshops the participants discussed possibilities, benefits but also risks and uncertainties of Climate- and Geoengineering. Interdisciplinary exchange was not only offered during the work sessions, but also during the informal program, where the participants had the chance to experience Heidelbergs vast cultural variety.
The program schedule for the summer school is available here.
Lectures by the panelists, literature and other documents relating to the Summer School are available in the password restricted area.
For access to the secure area please send an email to climate-engineering @ .
The Summer School Report 2010 is available here.