The Philosophy Subproject
Prof. Dr. Martin Gessmann
Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Philosophisches Seminar
Schulgasse 6,
69117 Heidelberg
Prof. Dr. Martin Gessmann is Professor for theory of culture and technology at the University for Art and Design at Offenbach. Till 2011 he was Professor of Philosophy at the Department of Philosophy, Heidelberg University. He studied Philosophy, German Landuage and Literature at the Universities in Nantes (France) Washington, DC (USA) and worked as a staff member at the Universities of Halle, Kaiserlautern and Heidelberg (Germany). He was Marsilius Fellow in 2008/2009.
Hannes Fernow, M.A.
Philosophisches Seminar
Marsilius Kolleg
Hauptstrasse 232
69117 Heidelberg
Email: hfernow @
Hannes Fernow was born in Stuttgart in 1981, MA in Art History and Philosophy at the University of Heidelberg in 2009. He was a Research Assistant at the Institute for Art History at the University of Heidelberg between 2005 and 2009, and tutor at the Department of Philosophy between 2007 and 2009. Since September 2009 he has been a PhD candidate in philosophy at the Marsilius Kolleg, University of Heidelberg.
The project in brief:
Climate change in the age of its technical reproducibility - Geoengineering between forecast, risk, and fiction
The philosophical part of the project aims at embedding the issue areas “Climate Change” and “Geoengineering” into both society in its entirety and horizons of the history of ideas. Our research starts with identifying functions and difficulties of scientific climate forecasts together with questions revolving around risk definition. Secondly, we seek to develop a profile in the philosophy of technology that addresses problems from a normative and historical perspective. Thirdly, film samples will allow us to analyse how certain means of presentation are able to transform technology and nature into arguments.
Project Description Philosophy
Project Publications Philosophy, Hannes Fernow:
Fernow, Hannes: Der Klimawandel im Zeitalter technischer Reproduzierbarkeit – Climate Engineering zwischen Risiko und Praxis, Wiesbaden: Springer VS 2014.
Fernow, Hannes; Melanie Bräunche und Stephanie Uther: Bilder der Klimamanipulation – Zur bildrhetorischen Konstitution von ‚Natur‘ und ‚Technik‘ bei Climate Engineering, in: Forum Marsilius-Kolleg 08 (2013), DOI: 10.11588/fmk.2013.0.10953.
Fernow, Hannes: Geo-Engineering im Kontext des technischen Zeitalters/Geoengineering in the Context of the Technological Age, in: Hacking the Future and Planet, hg. v. Klaus Schafler, Wien 2013, S. 62–77.
Fernow, Hannes und Dorothee Amelung: Climate Engineering – Diskussionen über den Umgang mit einer umstrittenen technischen Option, in: Jahresbericht Marsilius-Kolleg 2011/2012, hg. v. Hans-Georg Kräusslich und Wolfgang Schluchter, Heidelberg 2012, S. 134–136.
Fernow, Hannes: Bernward Gesang – Klimaethik, in: Philosophische Rundschau, 59: 3 (2012), S. 283–287.
Fernow, Hannes: Complex Risks and the Limits of Cost-Benefit Analysis, in: Amelung, D. et al.: Beyond calculation – Climate Engineering risks from a social sciences perspective, Forum Marsilius-Kolleg 02 (2012), S. 12–18, DOI: 10.11588/fmk.2012.0.9408.