
Doktorandenkonvent der Universität Heidelberg
Im Neuenheimer Feld 370
69120 Heidelberg


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General Assembly 

3rd June - 18pm

Im Neuenheimer Feld 370 (Käthe Leichte Forum)

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You are a doctoral candidate at Heidelberg University? Then we are happy to welcome you as a member of the Doctoral Convention! It is composed of all doctoral candidates accepted by one of Heidelberg University's faculties. The Doctoral Convention represents their interests towards the different committees within the university as well as in all external affairs.

On this page you find all information about what exactly the Doctoral Convention is doing and how you can get involved yourself to help improving the conditions during the doctoral phase.






Call for Candidates: Executive Committee of the Doctoral Convention is Looking for New Candidates to be Elected 



Dear PhD students,

The Doctoral Convention is looking for Candidates for the Election of the new Executive Committee in July!

The Doctoral Convention(DoCo) is the primary representative body of PhD students at Heidelberg University. Its Executive Committee (ExCo) constitutes the head of the organization and is elected for one year.  The members of ExCo delegate representatives to other committees like the Directorate of the Graduate Academy and the Council for Graduate Studies.

The tasks include:
• Representing the interests of DoCo in University Committees
• Managing finances of the DoCo
• Supporting and hosting events for Doctoral Candidates
• Proposing and voting on amendments to the Doctoral Regulations of each faculty 

• Networking with DoCo of other universities

The only requirement for this position is to be a PhD student at Heidelberg University and your commitment. After the election, there will be a transition period until October, during which the new and old ExCo members will work together and we will give you everything you need to know as well as share our experiences.

If you have questions or want to declare your candidacy, please contact us via The registration of candidates is open till 18.06.2024. 


Kind regards,

The Executive Committee of the Doctoral Convention


Ps: feel free to come to our events to get to know more about the work in the Executive Committee

-Election Info Event – 29.05.24 – 6 pm – INF 370

-DoCo General Assembly – 3.06.24 – INF 370

  03.05.2024 The next General Assembly will be held on Monday, June 3rd at 6:00pm, as a hybrid format Im Neuenheimer Feld 370 and on Zoom (link will be provided later). The current executive committee will report on their activities during the current year 2023/2024. All doctoral candidates are kindly invited to join! If you want to suggest a particular topic beforehand, write us an e-mail to!

Call for bids: Course instructor for workshop on Job Opportunities in the Humanities and Social Sciences


To whom it may concern,


on 22-01-2024, the Executive Committee of the Doctoral Convention (DC) has decided to offer a workshop related to future career perspectives in the humanities and social sciences for doctoral candidates from Heidelberg University. The workshop is planned for the summer semester 2024, aiming for April. We are currently looking for suitable instructors offering such a workshop.


Background information

The DC seeks to provide doctoral candidates in the humanities and social sciences with reliable and realistic information about job opportunities outside of classical research positions. Planning future career steps while finalizing the PhD can be difficult for doctoral candidates because practical information about job descriptions and career goals is scarce. A workshop where this type of information is provided by an experienced trainer active in the field will help doctoral students to orientate and select the different job opportunities fit for their skill set, expectations and ambition.


Necessary qualifications

  • Time scope of the workshop is 8 hours
  • Workshop should be offered for 20-25 participants
  • The instructor should have several years of working experience in a position related to the humanities and social sciences outside of the academia
  • The target audience comprises doctoral candidates in the humanities and social sciences and interested individuals from adjacent fields. The workshop instructor should therefore be experienced in delivering talks and workshops tailored to this target audience and/or hold a PhD in one of the mentioned areas of studies themselves
  • The workshop should be offered in English
  • The workshop will preferable be given on site, however a virtual workshop could be an option depending on the level of interaction offered

Decision process

The DC Executive Committee will make the final selection from the applications received and will also seek Graduate Academy’s advice in this decision.


Application process

Please send your applications to until 10.03.2024, email subject: ‘DC Job Opportunities workshop application’. We require an overview and short summary about the workshop topics and salary expectations, as well as a short CV in English language.


The Doctoral Convention kindly invites you to take part in our annual Christmas Cookie Baking event, taking place on Thursday December 14 at 6pm in Albert-Ueberle-Str. 3-5 (Stura Büro), next to the Philosophenweg. All ingredients for the cookies, as well as pizza and Glühwein, will be provided for those attending. Please register by completing the following form:

We look forward to seeing you there!

  27.11.2023 The Doctoral Convention would like to invite you to the workshop "4EU+ for PhD Candidates and Young Researchers" which will be held online on 06/12/2023 at 3 PM. To learn more about the 4EU+ Alliance that our university is a part of, please click on the link in [1].

The event is designed for doctoral students and coordinators of PhD studies. The opportunities for collaboration within the Alliance and different mobility options will be presented. There will be also the possibility to share participants' experiences, discuss their needs and answer their questions.

Registration [2] is open till 03/12/2023 and the link is also in the attached leaflet. The detailed programme and the link will be shared with registered participants later.

  31.10.2023 The Doctoral Convention would like to invite you to participate in the workshop Job Opportunities in Pharma and Biotech happening on November 17 (9-17pm onsite) and November 21 (18-20pm online). As part of the  workshop, Dr. Fabian Muttach from Boehringer Ingelheim will do the following:

•    discuss important factors when looking for your first job
•    present several job profiles for natural science graduates
•    help you learn to read the secret code of job descriptions

The number of places is limited to 25 and the demand is high. The workshop is only for the registered PhD students of Heidelberg University and is free of charge. The registration is possible via the link  and will start on 3.11.23 at 10.00 and will close when the participant limit is reached.

All doctoral students are kindly invited to take part in the General Assembly of the Doctoral convention (October 30 at 18pm), either in-person (INF 370) or via Zoom. If you go for the latter option, you will need the following link and password:

Meeting ID: 843 1466 9237

Passcode: 594267



The next General Assembly will be held on Monday, 30th October at 6:00pm, as a hybrid format Im Neuenheimer Feld 370 and on Zoom (link will be provided later). The current executive committee will report on their activities during the past year (2022/23) and the new committee will be inaugurated. All doctoral candidates are kindly invited to join! If you want to suggest a particular topic beforehand, write us an e-mail to!


German Language Course for International (PhD) Students


Dear international students,

we are currently working on a free German language course program for international students at Heidelberg University, which will be financed by the Student Council and take place at the IDF. The courses are scheduled to start as early as October 2023.

In order to first determine the need and then to be able to develop a useful concept for further German courses, we would like to work closely with you and involve you in the process. By participating in the survey, you will enable us to develop a German learning program tailored to you so that you and future international students in Heidelberg have the best possible preconditions for successful studies.

Participation in the survey is possible until August 31, 2023. The survey is anonymous and takes about 5 - 10 minutes. If required, you can also select the German version of the survey on the homepage. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at the following email address:

Link to the survey:

We will be happy to inform you about the concrete course program in September 2023.

Thank you for your participation and support!

Fenja Plate-Güneş


Call for bids: Course instructor for workshop on Job Opportunities in Pharma and Biotech for doctoral candidates

To whom it may concern,

on 31-07-2023, the Executive Committee of the Doctoral Convention (DC) has decided to offer a workshop related to future career perspectives in Pharma and Biotech industry for doctoral candidates from Heidelberg University. The workshop is planned for the winter semester 2023/24, aiming for November. We are currently looking for suitable instructors offering such a workshop.

Background information

The DC seeks to provide doctoral candidates in the natural and life sciences with reliable and realistic information about job opportunities outside of classical research positions. Planning future career steps while finalizing the PhD can be difficult for doctoral candidates because practical information about specific job descriptions, salaries and benefits is scarce. A workshop where this type of information is provided by an experienced trainer active in pharma or biotech will help doctoral students to orientate and select the different job opportunities fit for their skill set, expectations and ambition.

Necessary qualifications

  • Time scope of the workshop is 8 hours
  • Workshop should be offered for 20-25 participants
  • The instructor should have several years of working experience in the pharma or biotech industry
  • The target audience comprises doctoral candidates in the natural and life sciences and interested individuals from adjacent fields. The workshop instructor should therefore be experienced in delivering talks and workshops tailored to this target audience and/or hold a PhD in one of the mentioned areas of studies themselves
  • The workshop should be offered in English
  • The workshop will preferable be given on site, however a virtual workshop could be an option depending on the level of interaction offered

Decision process

The DC Executive Committee will make the final selection from the applications received and will also seek Graduate Academy’s advice in this decision.

Application process

Please send your applications to until 30.09.2023, email subject: ‘DC Job Opportunities workshop application’. We require an overview and short summary about the workshop topics and salary expectations, as well as a short CV in English language.

  04.08.2023 The doctoral convention now has two certified mental health first aider: Franziska Grün and Marvin Möhler. We conducted a first aid course for mental health organised by Central Institute of Mental Health Mannheim. The PhD can be sometimes tough, so please don´t hesitate to contact us. Concerning mental health you reach us via

The election results for the new Executive Committee of the Doctoral Convention have been published. They are as follows:

arts and humanities:

Rodrigo Agustin Lana

life sciences:

Oliver Gilliam

individual PhD:

Darya Katkova

qualifying/employment position:

Halyna Karpusha

graduate school/college:

Deepa Elizabath John.

More detailed information on the overall election results can be viewed here:

Congratulations to the newly elected members!

The Executive Committee of the Doctoral Convention


Workshop "Job Opportunities in Pharma and Biotech" (June 30th & July 6th)

Hi there,

are you a PhD student and have always wondered about other job opportunities the pharma industry has to offer next to research?

I am thrilled to invite you to join the workshop “Job Opportunities in Pharma and Biotech” organized by the Doctoral Convention of Heidelberg University.

This workshop will be offered by Dr. Fabian Muttach from Boehringer Ingelheim where he will:

•    discuss important factors when looking for your first job
•    present several job profiles for natural science graduates
•    help you learn to read the secret code of job descriptions

Date: 30th of June (in person) & 6th of July (online)
Time: 09:00 – 16:30 (in person) & 18:30 – 20:30 (online)
Venue: Im Neuenheimer Feld 370 (Graduate Academy, Doctoral Convention)

The workshop is funded by the Doctoral Convention and is free of charge. Participation is based on the first come first serve basis and 20 places are available.

Do not wait any longer and register here until the 26th of June:

I am looking forward to receiving your registration.

On behalf of the Executive Committee of the Doctoral Convention,

Nora Jamaladdin


Information Event against Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence (May 3rd/4th)

The Student Council of Heidelberg University (Studierendenrat) is hosting a campaign against sexual harassment and violence consisting of two information events: on May 3rd from 4 to 8 pm in the auditorium in INF 205, and on May 4th in auditorium #1 INF 308. The events will cover a wide range of topics from legal conselling to the effects of critical masculinity and psychological aspects of sexual harassment or violence. Aditionally, the results of the university-wide poll will be presented for the first time. You can join for the whole time or just for the talks you are interested in, and there will be room for exchange over snacks and drinks.

You can find more info as well as the full program here:

Please note that the event will be in German.


Please do share this information with your fellow PhD students!




The Executive Committee of the Doctoral Convention


Call for Candidates: Executive Committee of the Doctoral Convention is Looking for New Candidates to be Elected (June 20-26)

Dear PhD Candidates,

The Doctoral Convention (DC) is looking for Candidates for the Election of the new Executive Committee (June 20-26)!

The Doctoral Convention is the primary representative body of Doctoral Candidates at Heidelberg University. Its Executive Committee constitutes the head of the organization and is elected for one year. In the general assembly, which is held once per year, every doctoral candidate is eligible to vote their respective representatives into the executive committee.

The members of the Executive Committee (ExCo) delegate representatives to other committees like the Directorate of the Graduate Academy and the Council for Graduate Studies.

The tasks include:
• Representing the interests of Doctoral Candidates in University Committees
• Managing finances of the Doctoral Convention
• Supporting and hosting events for Doctoral Candidates
• Proposing and voting on amendments to the Doctoral Regulations of each faculty • Networking with Doctoral Conventions of other universities

There are no fixed requirements for this position. As long as you are committed, you will be up to the task! After the election, there will be a transition period until October, during which the new and old ExCo will work together and we will give you everything you need to know as well as share our experiences.


How to vote:

The election will take place online in June - at the same time as the Senate, Faculty Councils, and StuRa elections. All you need is a valid Uni-ID! If you do not have one, you can apply for it via the Doctoral Students Office, without having to pay any university fee. We highly recommend that you get one - this way not only can you participate in the election, but also take advantage of the other benefits the University offers (e.g. uni-mail, library access, copy machines, cafeteria, etc.).

General Assembly:

On 05.06.2023 at 6pm the General Assembly of the DC will take place. We cordially invite all Doctoral Candidates to attend. Here the candidates for ExCo will introduce themselves. Furthermore our rules of procedure will have to be adapted. A detailed agenda will be uploaded on our Homepage in the next few days.

Contact us:

If you are interested in our work, if you want to run for the ExCo, if you have any questions, please send an email to . You are welcome to attend our weekly meetings on Mondays 6pm, online or in person.

We are looking forward to meeting you!
Your one and only Executive Committee of the Doctoral Convention


Call for bids: Course instructor for workshop on Job Opportunities in Pharma and Biotech for doctoral candidates

To whom it may concern,

on 13-02-2023, the Executive Committee of the Doctoral Convention (DC) has decided to offer a workshop related to future career perspectives in Pharma and Biotech industry for doctoral candidates from Heidelberg University. The workshop is planned for the summer semester 2023, aiming for May. We are currently looking for suitable instructors offering such a workshop.

Background information

The DC seeks to provide doctoral candidates in the natural and life sciences with reliable and realistic information about job opportunities outside of classical research positions. Planning future career steps while finalizing the PhD can be difficult for doctoral candidates because practical information about specific job descriptions, salaries and benefits is scarce. A workshop where this type of information is provided by an experienced trainer active in pharma or biotech will help doctoral students to orientate and select the different job opportunities fit for their skill set, expectations and ambition.

Necessary qualifications

  • Time scope of the workshop is 8 hours
  • Workshop should be offered for 20-25 participants
  • The instructor should have several years of working experience in the pharma or biotech industry
  • The target audience comprises doctoral candidates in the natural and life sciences and interested individuals from adjacent fields. The workshop instructor should therefore be experienced in delivering talks and workshops tailored to this target audience and/or hold a PhD in one of the mentioned areas of studies themselves
  • The workshop should be offered in English
  • The workshop will preferable be given on site, however a virtual workshop could be an option depending on the level of interaction offered

Decision process

The DC Executive Committee will make the final selection from the applications received and will also seek Graduate Academy’s advice in this decision.

Application process

Please send your applications to until 24.04.2023, email subject: ‘DC Job Opportunities workshop application’. We require an overview and short summary about the workshop topics and salary expectations, as well as a short CV in English language.

28.11.2022 Join our Christmas Cookie Baking Event, 7th of Dec, 17:30. Albert-Ueberle-Straße, 3-5. Don't forget RSVP!
29.09.2022 General Assembly on 18th of October, at 6pm. We cordially invite all Doctoral Candidates to attend. We will present the results of our work throughout 2021-2022 term, and the new Executive Committee will step in. The meeting is hybrid, you are welcome to join online on heiCONF (Passcode: ripeness celtic said clanking imprint), as well as offline (Im Neuenheimer Feld 370). Stay tuned!
01.08.2022 Boardgames and Pizza on Aug 4 at 6.30pm: more info here.

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