
Doktorandenkonvent der Universität Heidelberg
Im Neuenheimer Feld 370
69120 Heidelberg


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3rd June - 18pm

Im Neuenheimer Feld 370 (Käthe Leichte Forum)

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Call for Candidates for the Executive Committee 2019

Call for Candidature – Get involved in university politics for all doctoral candidates! 

The Doctoral Convention (“Doktorandenkonvent”) is the representation of all doctoral candidates at Heidelberg University and, in its core function, advises several university committees in all matters related to doctoral candidates. 

During the General Assembly – on Wednesday, 13th of November 2019, 7pm in INF227 3.403 – the new executive committee will be elected. 

Therefore, committed doctoral candidates are needed and we herewith call for candidatures for the new executive committee of the Doctoral Convention. 

The deadline for your application is 29 of October 2019. 

The executive committee consists of 11 seats: 

Two for each field of study (“Wissenskultur”)

·       Humanities 

·       Life Sciences 

·       Natural Sciences 

·       Social Sciences 

and three seats for each form of doctorate (“Promotionsarten”)

·       Individual Doctorate 

·       Doctorate as an Academic Employee 

·       Doctorate at a Graduate School 

More information about election procedures, the definitions of “Wissenkultur” and “Promotionsart”, as well as about tasks and duties of the executive committee, you find in the rules of procedure (german only) or more general information on our website:

If you are already accepted as a doctoral candidate by your faculty and if you are interested in contesting a seat in the executive committee please send the following information to 

·       full name 

·       faculty

·       field of study

·       form of doctorate

For further questions please contact us via or meet us personally at our next ‘Regular’s Table’ on 2nd of October 2019 at Café Botanik at 8 pm.

We are looking forward to your candidature!  

The executive committee of the DC of Heidelberg University

Responsible: Email
Latest Revision: 2019-10-01
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