
Doktorandenkonvent der Universität Heidelberg
Im Neuenheimer Feld 370
69120 Heidelberg


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General Assembly 

3rd June - 18pm

Im Neuenheimer Feld 370 (Käthe Leichte Forum)

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News Archive


02.12.19 The regulars' table (Stammtisch) in December was postponed. It will take place on December 11 (8 pm) instead of December 4, 2019.
22.11.19 Funds provided by the state government of Baden-Württemberg are not sufficient for the universities to ensure adequate research and teaching function and strategic development in a sustainable way. Therefore the Doctoral Convention Heidelberg encourages you to sign a Online petition by the student representation of Baden-Württemberg . [sign here]
24.10.19 Following the Welcome to Heidelberg reception by the Graduate Academy on Wednesday, 23 October 2019, we will host a pub crawl through the Heidelberg old town. Come to the Vetter brewery at 7 pm! [FB event]
23.09.19 On 13.11.2019 the general assembly of the doctoral convention will elect a new executive committee. We are looking for motivated candidates! [more information]
10.09.19 The Doctoral Convention Heidelberg supports an initiative by the universities of Stuttgart and Hohenheim, that aims to introduce mandatory CO2 compensation for business related flights at universities in Baden-Württemberg. [more]
27.05.19 This Wednesday, 29.5.2019, a networking evening will take lace in our office (INF 294). All candidates of the status group doctoral candidates for the senate and faculty councils will be there. The agenda can be found here and all candidates are listed here (right column).
15.04.19 The senate and faculty councils of the Heidelberg University will be elected in June. For the first time ever, doctoral researcher can vote and are allowed seats in these councils. Do you want to vote or candidate? More infos here.
02.04.19 Boulderhouse with doctoral candidates! From the 10th April on we invite you to join us at the Boulderhouse Heidelberg every second Wednesday of the month. Be active and meet fellow doctoral candidates from all faculties. [more]
14.02.19 The regular meeting of the winter semester 18/19 took place yesterday. Two new working groups have been founded focusing on two topics: Status Group Doctoral Researchers and Workshop/Seminars for PhDs.


16.11.18 Yesterday, on the 15th of November 2018, the new executive committee of the Doctoral Students Convention was elected during the annual general assembly. An overview of the nine elected members of the executive committee can be found here.
31.05.18 Theresia Bauer, the Minister of Science, has reacted to the protests of the doctoral students conventions and the initiatives of affected doctoral researchers. In an official statement (sent on May 30) she announced that, while the planned cuts will take place, already started projects will definitely remain funded by LGF money. [More]

We are protesting against the planned cuts of the Landesgraduiertenförderung. We wrote a protest letter to the responsible Ministry of Science in Stuttgart. You can find our statement here (in German). If you are affected by the cuts, please do not hesitate to contact us!

There is now an online petition against the planned cuts.

18.03.18 The parliament of the state of Baden-Württemberg has passed the changes in the HRWeitG law on 07.03.2018. You can find more information on the pages of the Ministry of Science. You can find the exact wording of the law here.
06.01.18 On Friday, 8th of December 2017, representatives of all Doctoral Students Conventions in Baden-Württemberg met with Minister of Science Theresia Bauer in Heidelberg to discuss the latest changes in the HRWeitEG draft law before it is going to be debated in the state parliament. [More]


09.11.17 Yesterday, on the 8th of November 2017, the new executive committee of the Doctoral Students Convention was elected during the annual general assembly. An overview of the nine elected members of the executive committee can be found here.
02.11.17 The Forum of Doctoral Students Conventions in Baden-Württemberg discussed the planned legal changes for doctoral researchers described in the HRWeitEG draft law extensively and published a joint statement (in German) on these. The Doctoral Students Convention of Heidelberg University participated in writing this statement and fully supports it.
24.10.17 In mid September the state government of Baden-Württemberg published the so-called HRWeitEG draft law which introduces several changes to the state university law, including some significant changes for all doctoral researchers. Because of that the Doctoral Students Convention organised an info event last week in which the planned legal changes were presented and discussed. You can find a summary of this in this presentation.
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Latest Revision: 2021-03-27
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