
Doktorandenkonvent der Universität Heidelberg
Im Neuenheimer Feld 370
69120 Heidelberg


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3rd June - 18pm

Im Neuenheimer Feld 370 (Käthe Leichte Forum)

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Senate and Faculty Council Elections



We, the executive committee of the Doctoral Students Convention, would like to inform you about the upcoming senate/faculty council elections, in which doctoral researchers are allowed to participate for the first time. Because of changes in the university state law (LHG) and the University’s Basic Statute Grundordnung), representatives of the doctoral researchers will be allowed for four seats with voting power in the university senate, which is the highest decision-making body of the university and, among other things, responsible for academic decisions like doctoral degree and exam regulations, appointments, etc. .

Every enrolled doctoral researcher has four votes and can vote for candidates from previously submitted election nominations. Academic employees (employed with at least 50% of the regular working -time) have to choose if they want to be represented by the group of academic employees or the doctoral researchers before the end of the electorate register’s public display-term – otherwise they will be automatically assigned to the group of academic employees.


For the senate only the list „Freie Doktoranden” can be elected. ( The four candidates with the most votes will represent doctoral candidates in the senate


The same regulations and dates apply for the election of the faculty councils. According to each faculty, doctoral students can take up to three seats in the faculty councils (depending on the faculty). If you have any questions on the elections, you can contact the executive committee of the Doctoral Students Convention for further information: .

Regarding the faculty councils candidates have been proposed at eight faculties. You will find more details her soon.

All candidates can be found in the right column on the website of the Dezernat Recht - only in german

There will be an info event of the Doctoral Convention on May 29th in our Office in INF 294.

The elections are an excellent opportunity to shape the university’s policies. Therefore, we would like to encourage you to make use of your votes!

Responsible: Email
Latest Revision: 2019-05-27
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