Contact information

Graduate Academy Heidelberg University

Service Point

Im Neuenheimer Feld 370
Room 1
69120 Heidelberg

Telephone Icon 17x17 +49 (0) 6221 / 54 - 19765


Walk-in office hours

Monday: 10 am to 12 pm
Tuesday: 2 pm to 4 pm
Wednesday: 10 am to 12 pm
Thursday: 10 am to 12 pm and 2 pm to 4 pm
and by appointment

Outside of our office hours you can reach us by telephone or email.


Download Center

Welcome Packet for New Doctoral Candidates
Information for Master's Students interested in a PhD
Information for New Doctoral Candidates
Seminar Program
Graduate Academy Information Brochures
Guide Supervision: „Shaping a Doctorate Together“
Good Academic Practice

Welcome Packet for new doctoral candidates

Here you can download the Graduate Academy’s Welcome Packet for new doctoral candidates. You may also pick up your packet (including a bag, biro and more) at one of our Getting Started events or at the Graduate Academy Service Center.


  Welcome Packet for new doctoral candidates   (ZIP file)







Information for Master's Students interested in a PhD

To PhD or not to PhD - PhD at Heidelberg University Julne 2023 for Master's students - Presentation slides Adobe


Information for New Doctoral Candidates

Getting started - Oct. 2023 - Welcome to pursuing your PhD in Heidelberg! - Presentation Adobe


Seminar Program

Here you can download the current Seminar program flyer:

Bildausschnitt SP 2024-ii.jpg
​ Seminar program 2024-II   (Deutsch & Englisch)  Adobe






Graduate Academy Information Brochures

We are currently revising our Information Brochure for Doctoral Candidates. For all up-to-date information please see our website.


Cover Information Brochure International English
  Information Brochure for International Doctoral Candidates   (English)  







Infoblatt Emergency_en
  Emergency Information for International Doctoral Candidates  (English)   Adobe







Guide Supervision: „Shaping a Doctorate Together“

The „Qualitätszirkel Promotion“ has published a guide for both doctoral candiates and supervisors:


  Guidelines for Supervisors







  Guidelines for Doctoral Candidates







Good Academic Practice


Rules and Guidelines: Good Academic Practice Externer Inhalt

Rules for safeguarding good academic practice and handling academic misconduct Adobe


Web Administrator: Eric Herbst
Last updated: 2024-06-04
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