Newsletter 01/ 10-01-2020

Primers for PreDocs 01/2020 – Scientific Communication & Publication Strategies & Digital Science


*English follows German*


Liebe Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden,

wir beginnen das neue Jahr in unserer Vortragsreihe „Primers for PreDocs“ mit den folgenden Veranstaltungen:

Mittwoch, 15. Januar 2020 // „Scientific Communication“

  • Increasing Impact – Communicating Science to Non-Expert Audiences
    13–14 Uhr, Dr. Tobias Maier
    (Nationales Institut für Wissenschaftskommunikation)

    Online media offer unprecedented opportunities for scientists to actively participate in the public discourse about science. But why should scientists communicate anyway? What are the principles of good science communication? And how can you personally benefit from communicating science to audiences beyond your peers?
    Mehr Informationen und Anmeldung
  • Scientific Communication
    14–15 Uhr, Lena Raditsch

    Corporate Communications as a profession – and still promoting science! How to communicate a company’s strategy and purpose? How to engage with diverse audiences like media and employees while still promoting science? My personal journey from the life sciences to communication professional in the public and private sector.
    Mehr Informationen und Anmeldung

Mittwoch, 22. Januar 2020 // „Publication strategies“

  • Publication strategies
    13–14 Uhr, Dr. Martin Nissen
    (Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg)

    The market for scholarly publications is facing further upheavals. Quality, reputation and visibility remain of central importance. Besides that, social media offer new forms of science communication. Open publication forms can improve the visibility. Using examples from the natural sciences and the humanities, this talk designates strategies for a successful publication of scientific results.
    Mehr Informationen und Anmeldung
  • Open Science
    14–15 Uhr, Dr. Jochen Apel
    (Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg)

    Openness and transparency are closely linked to the scientific method. But how open can and should science be conducted? The lecture would like to invite you to participate in the current discussion about open science in its different facets and to present the open science services available on campus.
    Mehr Informationen und Anmeldung

Mittwoch, 29. Januar 2020 // „Digital Science“

  • Datenschutz in der Hochschule
    13–14 Uhr, Christoph Wassermann, Ass.jur.
    (Universität Heidelberg)

    Die aktuellen Möglichkeiten der Datenverarbeitung fördern die Forschung einschließlich Promotionsvorhaben, jedoch ist ein Konflikt mit den Persönlichkeitsrechten der Personen, deren Daten betroffen sind, möglich. Der Vortrag gibt nach einer Einführung in die Thematik einen Überblick, wie Forschung und Datenschutz in Einklang gebracht werden können.
    Mehr Informationen und Anmeldung
  • Digital Science
    14–15 Uhr, Prof. Dr. Justus Piater
    (Universität Innsbruck)

    Massive availability of data and computing power are promoting data-driven methods in all areas of science and technology. I will describe how the University of Innsbruck supports this via its new Digital Science Center, and will give a flavor of machine learning for data analysis.
    Mehr Informationen und Anmeldung

Wir laden Sie herzlich ein bei unseren Veranstaltungen im Januar dabei zu sein.
Anmeldungen sind jederzeit auf unserer Webseite möglich.


Alle Veranstaltungen finden im Stucco Raum des Heidelberg Center for American Studies, Hauptstr. 120, 69117 Heidelberg (Wegbeschreibung) statt. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Anmeldung und hoffen, Sie bald bei unseren Veranstaltungen begrüßen zu dürfen.


Herzliche Grüße
Ihr Team der Graduiertenakademie


Mehr Informationen:
► Flyer Primers for PreDocs – Programm Winter 2019/20 Adobe
► Veranstaltungsreihen der Graduiertenakademie



Dear Doctoral Candidates,

In January we will kick off the new year with three exciting sessions in our lecture series “Primers for PreDocs”:

Wednesday, January 15, 2020 // „Scientific Communication“

  • Increasing Impact - Communicating Science to Non-Expert Audiences
    1–2 pm, Dr. Tobias Maier
    (Nationales Institut für Wissenschaftskommunikation)

    Online media offer unprecedented opportunities for scientists to actively participate in the public discourse about science. But why should scientists communicate anyway? What are the principles of good science communication? And how can you personally benefit from communicating science to audiences beyond your peers?
    Further information and registration
  • Scientific Communication
    2–3 pm, Lena Raditsch

    Corporate Communications as a profession – and still promoting science! How to communicate a company’s strategy and purpose? How to engage with diverse audiences like media and employees while still promoting science? My personal journey from the life sciences to communication professional in the public and private sector.
    Further information and registration

Wednesday, January 22, 2020 // „Publication strategies“

  • Publication strategies
    1–2 pm, Dr. Martin Nissen
    (Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg)

    The market for scholarly publications is facing further upheavals. Quality, reputation and visibility remain of central importance. Besides that, social media offer new forms of science communication. Open publication forms can improve the visibility. Using examples from the natural sciences and the humanities, this talk designates strategies for a successful publication of scientific results.
    Further information and registration
  • Open Science
    2–3 pm, Dr. Jochen Apel
    (Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg)

    Openness and transparency are closely linked to the scientific method. But how open can and should science be conducted? The lecture would like to invite you to participate in the current discussion about open science in its different facets and to present the open science services available on campus.
    Further information and registration

Wednesday, January 29, 2020 // „Digital Science“

  • Datenschutz in der Hochschule
    1–2 pm, Christoph Wassermann, Ass.jur.
    (Universität Heidelberg)

    Die aktuellen Möglichkeiten der Datenverarbeitung fördern die Forschung einschließlich Promotionsvorhaben, jedoch ist ein Konflikt mit den Persönlichkeitsrechten der Personen, deren Daten betroffen sind, möglich. Der Vortrag gibt nach einer Einführung in die Thematik einen Überblick, wie Forschung und Datenschutz in Einklang gebracht werden können.
    Further information and registration
  • Digital Science
    2–3 pm, Prof. Dr. Justus Piater
    (Universität Innsbruck)

    Massive availability of data and computing power are promoting data-driven methods in all areas of science and technology. I will describe how the University of Innsbruck supports this via its new Digital Science Center, and will give a flavor of machine learning for data analysis.
    Further information and registration

We invite you to attend the events and join the discussion January 2020.
Make sure to register today on our website.


All Primers events take place at the Heidelberg Center for American Studies, Hauptstr. 120, 69117 Heidelberg (directions). We warmly invite you to our events and look forward to seeing you!  


Best wishes,
The team of the Graduate Academy


More information:
► Flyer Primers for PreDocs – Program Winter 2019/20 Adobe
► Events and lectures by the Graduate Academy


Web Administrator: Eric Herbst
Latest Revision: 2020-01-28
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