Newsletter 56/2011


DAAD/AICGS Research Fellowship Program - American Institute for Contemporary German Studies, Washington

Deadline: 31. August 2011


The DAAD/AICGS Research Fellowship Program, funded by a generous grant from the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD), is designed to bring scholars and specialists working on Germany, Europe, and/or transatlantic relations to AICGS for research stays of two months each.

Fellowships include a monthly stipend of up to $4,725, depending on the seniority of the applicant, transportation to and from Washington, and office space at the Institute.

You can find more information on the Program on


Bitte senden Sie Ihre Bewerbung per E-Mail an:/ Please send your application via E-Mail to:

Kirsten Verclas, Research Associate,


Web Administrator: Anri
Latest Revision: 2011-07-25
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