Newsletter 92/2011
Graduate School of the Cluster "Languages of Emotion"
10 doctoral scholarships
Deadline: 15th January 2012
The Graduate School of the Cluster "Languages of Emotion" offers 10 doctoral scholarships to PhD-students for the winter term 2012/13.
Applications are welcome from a variety of disciplines: educational sciences, literature, biology, German, English, Greek, Latin and Romance philology, media studies, history, Japanese studies, Social Anthropology, Art history, musicology, philosophy, political science, psychology, psychiatry, sociology, linguistics and dramatics.
The cluster focuses on the interdependencies between language and affect. It consists of four research areas:
Signs, Arts, Individuals, Cultures.
For further information please contact:
Dr. Markus Edler
Free University Berlin
Cluster "Languages of Emotion"
coordinator of the Graduate School
Habelschwerdter Allee 45
14195 Berlin
Tel. +49 30/838-56179